17: Telling Their Parents

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A/N: Hi! I hope I'm not annoying you guys with these updates 😔

Also, are the chapters too long? I'm so sorry if it is!

I'll try to make them shorter if you guys want me to.

Thank you guys so much for the views and votes 💖 I appreciate it! 😊

Also, as always, you are allowed to comment ^^

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter :)

The first thing that both Jaebum and Jinyoung did the day after they announced their engagement to their members, was go to their parents.

Luckily they had some time off as it was the end of their promotions for Haji, Hajima

Jaebums parents, being the closest, were the first ones to know.

"Finally! I was wondering when you would propose!" Jaebums mom said.

They were in the living room, telling them what happened the day before.

Jinyoung giggled. "What do you mean by that?" He asked.

"Oh! He hasn't told you? He's been saying he wants to marry you since you guys debuted! Maybe even before!" Jaebums mom said.

Jinyoung looked over at Jaebum, who was already looking over at Jinyoung. "Really? You wanted to marry me since then?" Jinyoung said smiling.

Jaebum nodded. "I did. I was going to propose to you after we got out of JJ Project, but you were pregnant with Jaeyoung and I decided to wait until later. Then, we got into GOT7 and didn't have the time to until now," Jaebum said taking Jinyoungs hand in his.

Jinyoung looked at him, tears welling up in his eyes. "Jaebummie..." Jinyoung said smiling happily and sniffing, clearing the tears away from his eyes.

"Omma! Are you okay?" Jaeyoung asked as he ran over from where he was and stood in front of Jinyoung.

Jinyoung nodded. "I'm okay Jaeyoung-ah, I'm just happy," Jinyoung said smiling happily and picking up Jaeyoung and sat him on his lap.

Jaebums parents smiled. They looked at each other and back at them. Thinking the same thing.

They were right for each other.

"Jaeyoung grew to be so big!" Jaebums mother said looking at him. "I know right? I just want him to stop growing sometimes because he's cute the way he is," Jinyoung said.

Jaebum looked at his son and ruffled his head, making him giggle. "We both think that he's growing way too fast and hope he doesn't grow faster," Jaebum said smiling.

Jaebums parents smiled. "I can see that he grew so much, also, he's smart for his age. Then again, I'm not surprised," Jaebums dad said.

Both of them nodded. "Yeah, he is," Jaebum said smiling.

Jaebums mom had a wicked smile on. "So, is Jaeyoung going to have any siblings soon?" Jaebums mom said.

Jinyoung blushed while Jaebum looked over at Jinyoung.

"I hope so, Jinyoung looks so beautiful pregnant, and it's exciting to be an appa," Jaebum said.

"I remember when Jinyoung was pregnant and I loved it so much to feel his stomach that had our baby in it," Jaebum continued, putting his arm around Jinyoung.

Jinyoung blushed harder and hit Jaebum.

Jaeyoung looked at his parents confused about what was going on. He was curious, but didn't ask since his parents might tell him another day.

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