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"WHAT?!" The four members that were there screamed.

"What do you mean 'what?'" Jinyoung asked, starting to get pissed off.

"Nothing!" The three youngest replied fast.

"It's just... we thought you weren't going to get pregnant again," Mark said.

"Is that a problem?" Jinyoung said, his eyes slightly glaring at them.

Jaebum didn't say anything. He was overly happy that his wife was pregnant again and he knew not to anger him.

He knew from experience.

The other members looked away, shaking their head no.

"Alright then," Jinyoung said. Jaebum looked at his phone, seeing who was calling at the moment.

"Hi Jackson-ah," Jaebum said, making everyone in the room look at him. Jaebum put the phone in speaker. "Hyung! Why won't Jinyoung-ah answer his phone?!" Jackson said, making everyone roll their eyes.

"Yah, Seun-ah, I don't have to answer you if I don't want to," Jinyoung replied. They all heard Jackson whine.

Everyone laughed at that.

"Is everyone else there too?" Jackson asked. "Yeah everyone's here," Jaebum replied. "Yeah, we just got news that omma is pregnant!" Yugyeom said.

"WHAT?! Why wasn't I the first person to know?!" Jackson screamed through the phone. Jinyoung rolled his eyes at his best friend.

"You aren't here," Jinyoung replied. The seven of them kept talking and making fun of each other.

"I love JB," the part of Jinyoungs card had said.

Jaebum looked shocked at his wife when the MC read what it said.

Of course, he knew that his wife loves him. He loves his wife equally, if not, more than Jinyoung.

"Do you also like him?" The MC asked.

"Of course I do," Jaebum said. He then added somethings. He stared at his wife, who gave him a mischievous smile.

Jaebum gave him a look and Jinyoung instantly looked away.

He was getting it later.

"Jagiya," Jaebum said.

Jinyoung pretended he didn't hear him, continuing to pack their things.

"Park Jinyoung." Jaebum tried again.

Jinyoung tensed, but continued to pretended that he didn't hear him.

"Yah! Im Jinyoung!" Jaebum said, making Jinyoung tensed even more and look his way. Jaebum sighed, walking over and wrapping his arms around his wife's waist.

"Aren't you mad at me?" Jinyoung softly said.

Jaebum looked at him for a moment and chuckled. "Why would I be mad?" He asked. "Because I put that I like you," Jinyoung said, blushing.

Jaebum chuckled. "You can say that you love me on it and it still won't make me mad, because I know that you do and I love you as well," Jaebum replied.

Jinyoung blushed, hitting his husbands arm. "Move Im Jaebum, help me pack our things," Jinyoung said, wiggling out of his husbands hold.

Jaebum chuckled. "Yes Im Jinyoung," Jaebum said, seeing Jinyoungs cheeks go red. He smiled and helped his wife pack their things.

The married couple sat next to each other, their children in front and behind of them and the members surrounding them.

Jaebum held Jinyoungs face, pecking his lips over and over and over again.

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