25: Soulmates x2

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A/N: hello! I'm back with a new chapter!

I hope you enjoy it! :)

Maybe Lisa was right, BamBam thought.

They were wondering around a store, still in their tour, and they heard Jackson's voice from the other side of the store.

"IRUMA!!!" Jackson yelled going and hugging his soulmate. BamBam, curious, went also. "Oh, you've brought friends too!" He heard Jackson say as he turned the corner.

There was Jackson's soulmate, along with two other girls. He made eye contact with one of them, seeing that she was the shortest out of the two, and instantly felt pain.

They both of them fell on their knees, feeling their soulmate mark appearing on their skin.

Yugyeom heard his best friend yelling in pain and instantly went over, seeing another girl there along with Jackson and his soulmate, and made eye contact with her, kneeling down in pain as well as the other girl.

BamBam and the shorter girl out of the two were the first ones to recover as they were the ones that met first.

Yugyeom and the other girl right after them. Both BamBam and Yugyeom looked shocked. They didn't know they were going to get their soulmates at the same day and almost the same time.

BamBam and his soulmate started at each other. Just like BamBam, the girl also had the soulmate talk with others sensitive.

"Hi," BamBam said, smiling over the fact that he had found his soulmate. "Hi," the girl said, smiling also. "May I ask your name?" BamBam said. The girl giggled. "Of course BamBam, my name is Vanessa," she said.

BamBam smiled, but was shocked that the girl knew who he was. Jackson laughed, knowing the feeling also as his soulmate also was a fan of theirs. Vanessa giggled. "I'm a fan, that's how I know," she said. BamBam nodded, smiling happily. "It's nice to meet you," BamBam said. "Nice to meet you too," she replied. The both smiled, happy to find one another.

With Yugyeom and his soulmate stared shocked. Yugyeom didn't think he would find a soulmate soon, but now he did. "Hi, I'm Yugyeom," he said. The girl smiled, also saying that she knew who he was. Yugyeom laughed, happy that she knew him. "I'm Mara," the girl said. Yugyeom smiled. "It's nice to meet you," Yugyeom said. "Nice to meet you too!" Mara said smiling.

The members who were worried when they heard something from both BamBam and Yugyeom were now looking at the two youngest. They smiled, they all now had their soulmates.

"Isn't this nice," Jackson said smiling. His soulmate, Iruma, nodded. They both looked at the two youngest members and their soulmates.

Yugyeom and Mara were conversing about different things. BamBam and Vanessa on the other hand, didn't know what to talk about.

They both sighed. They needed to get them to talk about something. "She's older than me yet, she acts younger sometimes," Iruma said rolling her eyes at her friend.

Jackson looked at his soulmate and smiled. "You're far from home aren't you?" Jackson said. Iruma looked at him. "Kinda yes," she replied. "The drive is actually kind of long, four to five hours depending," she continued. Jackson looked at her shocked.

"You guys came all the way from there to come here and see us?" Jackson said, both in shock and awe. Iruma nodded. "Yes, plus I missed you too and now I have a chance to go," she said smiling. Jackson smiled happily.

He was happy. His soulmate made an effort to come to their concert and visit them. He hugged his soulmate, happy.

Iruma giggled. "Also, I have a surprise for you after the concert ends," she said smiling. Jackson looked at her and tried to convince her to tell him now and even put out aegyeo to try to convince her.

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