27: Tomorrow, Today Pt. 1

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I hope you guys enjoy it! ^^

They received good news.

Something they have been waiting for, for a very long time.

They were coming back as JJ Project.

"Hyung! We're making a comeback!" Jinyoung said happily. Jaebum nodded and smiled.

It was the both of them, like the beginning. "Should we make the songs?" Jaebum asked. Jinyoung nodded happily. "Yeah," he said and they headed out to the company to make their title tracks and other songs.

"I wonder what the other members would do while we are having a comeback," Jinyoung said, wondering about his 'children'.

"I'm not sure," Jaebum replied. Jinyoung nodded.

When they got to the company, Jinyoung got Jaeyoung from the car and held his hand to go into the company. Jaebum carried Hyunjin and all four of them walked into the company.

The people there greeted them and they greeted them back.

They walked by trainees that looked at them wide eyed. People were whispering to their friends about it.

One particular trainee kept his eyes on Jinyoung the whole time, gaping in admiration.

They walked to a room to start writing songs. They had three, almost two months left for their comeback.

Jinyoung and Jaebum made sure that their children were comfortable before they sat down themselves and started to work on their music.

Jinyoung worked on the melody first and then the words. Jaebum did the same thing.

After a few hours, Jinyoung felt himself get hungry and looked over at his husband. "Yeobo..." Jinyoung said, getting Jaebums attention. Jaebum looked over at his wife, who had started to pout. "Yes jagiya?" Jaebum replied.

"I'm hungry," Jinyoung said, pouting and putting a hand on his stomach. Jaebum smiled and nodded. "What do you want baby?" Jaebum asked his wife. Jinyoung turned his head a bit, trying to figure out what he wanted.

"Tteoboki and kimchi fried rice," Jinyoung said smiling. Jaebum chuckled and nodded. "What do you want baby's?" Jaebum asked Jaeyoung and Hyunjin.

"I want dumplings!" Jaeyoung said smiling. Jaebum nodded. "Appa! Rice!" Hyunjin said, wanting fried rice also. Jaebum nodded and put that into memory.

"I'll be back," Jaebum said and kissed the top of both his children's head and kissed Jinyoung on the lips. "Be safe," Jinyoung said smiling. Jaebum nodded. "I will," he said and kissed Jinyoung one last time before he left.

Jaebum walked out of the room and turned to walk out of the building to go get their food.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Jaebum said apologizing to a trainee who passed by and bumped into them. "It's okay," they said and Jaebum nodded and continued to walk out of the building to go buy his children's and wife's food along with his.

"Jinyoungie, I'm back," Jaebum said as he walked back inside of the room they were in. Jinyoung turned around and smiled. "Welcome back yeobo," Jinyoung said smiling.

"Hi Jaeyoung-ah, I'm back," Jaebum said and kissed the top of his oldest sons head. Jaeyoung looked up from coloring and smiled. "Hi appa!" Jaeyoung said standing up and hugging his appa.

Jaebum smiled and picked him up before he walked over to Jinyoung, who had Hyunjin. "Appa!" Hyunjin said smiling happily when he saw his appa. "Hi Hyunjin-ah," Jaebum said smiling and kissed his youngest sons head.

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