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A/N: Hello! I'm back with a new chapter :)


Jaebum was mad.

They told him he had less than two weeks before he went to the jungle and film.

He gritted his teeth, his chin sticking out.

His wife gave birth to their twins not even a week ago.

He sighed and walked out of the building, going home to his wife and kids.

"Appa!" Both Jaeyoung and Hyunjin said as Jaebum walked through the door.

Jaebum smiled. "Hello Jaeyoung, hello Hyunjin," Jaebum replied and lifted them both up in his arms. He gave them both a kiss on the head.

"Where's your omma?" Jaebum asked, looking around the living room. "Omma is with Gwangjae and Jaehwa," Jaeyoung replied.

Jaebum nodded and walked over to where Jinyoung is, in the twins room.

"Omma!" Jaeyoung and Hyunjin said and ran towards their omma as they were put down by their appa.

"Hello baby's," Jinyoung said smiling and going down and kissing each one of his children's cheeks.

"I'm back jagiya," Jaebum said and giving his wife a kiss. "Welcome back yeobo," Jinyoung said smiling.

"Hello Gwangjae and Jaehwa," Jaebum said and kissed each of them on top of their head. The twins giggled, happy to see their appa.

"What did they want to tell you?" Jinyoung asked, picking up Jaeyoung while Jaebum picked up Hyunjin.

Jaebum looked straight at his wife, the both of them communicating with their eyes.

"They want me to do something that I don't want to do,"

"What is it?" Jinyoung asked, tilting his head to the side.

Jaebum breathed out.

"I'll tell you later," Jaebum said, signaling to their children still being there. Jinyoung nodded and walked over to the rocking chair in the room.

Jaebum smiled softly and followed his wife. "What did you do while I was gone?" Jaebum asked, sitting on the floor with Hyunjin, who wanted to play.

"Just relax and take care of these children," Jinyoung said, ruffling his eldest sons head. Jaeyoung laughed and hugged his omma.

Jaebum nodded and smiled softly as Jinyoung wrapped his arms around Jaeyoung.

The twins were slowly falling asleep and both Jaebum and Jinyoung, along with Jaeyoung and Hyunjin, walked out of the room.

"Are you hungry?" Jinyoung asked. Jaebum nodded and Jaeyoung and Hyunjin both smiled and ran over to the kitchen.

Both parents laughed at their children and walked over together.

"They're making me go to the jungle," Jaebum said that night when they were in bed.

Jinyoung instantly sat up, looking at his husband.

"They're what?!" Jinyoung said, starting to get angry.

Jaebum sighed. He knew that his wife would end up acting like that. It's a reason why Jaebum didn't want to tell him.

Jinyoung didn't know what to say. He gave birth to their twins not that long ago and they want to take his husband away.

To the jungle.

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