Back From The Jungle

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A/N: Hello! I'm back with a new chapter!

I'm sorry to have kept you guys waiting!

And, thank you guys so much for reading and voting for my story's! 💖

It really means a lot to me ^^

Enjoy this chapter!

Jaebum tried not to kill their manager.

Their manager decided to come in their home and Jaebum was trying so hard not to be disrespectful and tell their manager to just go home.

They walked in, the house smelling like all types of food.

Jinyoung walked towards the door, hoping to see just his husband, until he saw their manager.

"Hello!" Jinyoung said, forcing a smile on his face for their manager.

"Hyung! You're back," Jinyoung said smiling happily, his eye wrinkles showing. They said their hellos and Jinyoung asked if their manager wanted to eat with them.

Jaebum gave his wife a look and Jinyoung shrugged when their manager turned their back to them.

They had a silent conversation between them.

'What are you doing?'

'I'm being respectful hyung,'

'Right now? When I come back?'

'We cant make it seem like we're about to do something that they don't want,'

'I know but still,'

They stared at each other while their manager talked about their schedule. Jinyoung, being a skilled actor, nodded and smiled at what their manager was saying and pretended nothing is going on.

Their manager kept talking and the both of them started to get irritated.

Their manager turned towards Jaebum.

"Alright, I'll be leaving for you to rest," their manager said and started to walk towards the door.

Both Jaebum and Jinyoung smiled, happy that they will get their time together.

"Oh, before I forget," their manager said. Jaebums anger was boiling. He wanted time with his wife and was about to say something to get it.

Before he could say a word, he felt his wife's hand on his back. He started to calm down and nodded to what their manager was saying.

After a few more minutes, their manager left, leaving the two of them alone.

They waited, to make sure that their manager wasn't going to come back. When they were sure that it was clear, Jaebum pushed Jinyoung against the wall.

Jaebum kissed Jinyoung passionately, making up for the time that he wasn't there.

They had a full on make out session, the both of them kissing each other for the time that they weren't near each other and were not able to kiss.

Jaebum pulled away and put his forehead on his wife's.

Jinyoung smiled happily, his eye wrinkles showing. "Welcome back yeobo, I missed you," Jinyoung said, looking up at his husbands eyes.

"Thank you jagiya, I missed you too," Jaebum said, meeting Jinyoungs eyes and kissing him again.

Jinyoung smiled softly, kissing his husband back.

"Are you hungry?" Jinyoung asked, wrapping his arms around Jaebums neck.

Jaebum put his head on Jinyoungs shoulder, wrapping his arms around Jinyoungs waist. "I am," Jaebum said, feeling hungry from the small amount of food that he ate while he was in the jungle.

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