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Next Update -  June 23 - June 24

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Connor's POV ~

Charlotte had fallen asleep. I honestly expected her too. She was tired and we had a lot of fun. I knew I had to dress her in different clothes. It was something that happened a lot. She used to be really embarrassed about it but she got too used to it. It became a kinda normal thing. Her having a long day and not being able to make it home before passing out on the ride home. I never minded. I liked taking care of her. I was special to her, I was needed. I glanced over at her when I saw her curl up. She was cold. We arrived at her house. I got out of the car and began to take off my jacket. When I opened her door her eyes flutter open. She tried to get up but I knew she was still not fully awake. I helped her stand but put my jacket around her then immediately held her in my arms. She hummed in response, smiling and wrapping her arms tightly around my neck. "Your so warm..." She whispered. She was snuggling into me. I didn't mind at all. I liked her this close. I liked taking care of her. I bumped the car door closed with my hip and proceeded to walk to the front door. She was awake just enough to unlock it for me before immediately going back to holding me as close as she could. I walked into her room. I began to undress her and change her into something more comfortable. I took her hair and let it fall to her sides. She looked beautiful, dressed nice and dressed normally. I had done some research and some would say she was dressed 'down' at the moment but I just saw that she was dressed as herself. I didn't understand humans making people live up to a certain standard. Everyone was beautiful in there own way. Maybe that's another thing different about humans and androids. We try to see the good in everyone. But we were programmed to think this way.

She curled into a little ball and just stared up at me with the biggest smile. I moved my hand to touch her hair. "You should just move in Connor. You stay here all the time anyway." I got up and began to undress. I knew she was staring. I glanced over my shoulder, only wearing my dress pants and socks. "If it's okay with you. I can live here until we are done with the deviant case. I'd have to see if they'd allow me to stay in your department." She nodded. I gently put on a black shirt that said Detroit on it. I began to unbuckle my pants. She was laying on her back now. "Cuddle with me?" Her words sounded like a question but I knew she wasn't going to take no for an answer. Physical contact was one of her favorite things to do. Only with me though. Gavin tried to give her a hug and she just completely avoided it. I didn't understand but I was okay with the fact that she didn't show him any affection. I was okay with her only giving me that attention. I let out a quiet chuckle before sighing. "I'm almost ready. You're so needy." I felt her hands around my waist. She must have gotten up. She was nuzzling into my back. "You're warm," she mumbled. I was wearing red plaid Pj pants. "You should take your shirt off. You might overheat." I turned around with a smirk. "Oh?" She leaned into my chest. I could tell she was embarrassed. "I'm just looking out for your safety." I nodded in a mocking way. I pushed her away softly and took off my shirt. She was bright red now. I saw her bite her lip gently. "Better?" She nodded shyly. "If it makes you uncomfortable then I'll put it back on" She shook her head vigorously. I chuckled.

"Let's get you to bed. I bet we'll have a case by tomorrow." She nodded and crawled back into the bed. I followed behind and wrapped my arms around her body. I pulled her close and played with her hair. It became something I did often. She loved when I did that. I felt her hands trailing my body. Never going anywhere inappropriately.  She was feeling the line down my back. My arms and chest. "Your skin is so soft." He pulled her closer, feeling her become warm as I did so. "Better?" She nodded slowly. "Go to sleep. We have a long day tomorrow." She nodded and soon she was out like a light. I continued to play with her hair even though she was asleep. I'd give her a kiss on the forehead even though I knew she wouldn't remember I did it in the morning. I don't know why I was becoming like this. I didn't mind though. I didn't mind being the one person she trusted. I flinched. "I'm an android," I whispered to myself. I couldn't be to her what others had. I couldn't love her like the humans could. I could only use a program. Why did my chest feel so warm? Was she right about the overheating? I couldn't find the answer to my question. Instead, I was greeted by Amanda. We were in the garden. It was raining. I needed to talk to Amanda. I knew where she was. I walked over to her, standing in the rain. 

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