I love you...

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Words - 2127

Next Update - July 16

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Connor's POV ~ 

I knew it wasn't right to start treating Charlotte completely different then what we were used to but I needed to keep her safe. But seeing the hurt in her eyes and her body language made my software act all weird. It was also acting like that because I knew she was lying about having a panic attack about seeing the android. She'd seen androids like that before and didn't react that way. Something was up and she wasn't telling us something. Maybe she would want to tell me on the side and not with Hank around? I'll wait until we're home... until she's home...

We arrived at her house. She slowly got up and refused my help. Maybe she was still upset about the way I acted but I wasn't going to change. It was the only way I could make sure that Amanda didn't hurt her or take her away from me. That was the only way I could stay by her side, if I lied to Amanda. At the very least, she let me open the door for her and gave me a tiny smile as a thank you. She laid on the couch and I went to get her medication along with some water. She took her pill with ease. I went back into the kitchen to fill her glass again. I saw her birth control and pills for the abortion, along with a box of pregnancy tests. I turned to look at her, holding the box in hand. "Char-" I cleared my throat. "Detective?" She flinched again and slowly looked over at me. "Yes?" Her eyes went wide when she saw the tests. "Oh my god" She stood up and rushed over. "What are you doing with these?!" She yelled, anger prominent in her eyes. "I was going to ask you if you still needed these and if so, where you would like me to put them so they aren't just laying around for everyone to see." She rolled her eyes and scuffed. Snatching everything and walking towards the bathroom. It wasn't nice having her be so mad at me. I sighed and went into the living room, waiting for her to come out. A few minutes later the bathroom door slammed open. She had the biggest smile on her face. I stood up. "What is it?" She ran over and showed me the pregnancy test showing she was no longer with child. It seemed weird to have her so happy about no longer being pregnant. She blushed and looked down at it, tears falling from her eyes. "I know its wrong, to be so happy about something like this. I could have given the baby a new life but it wasn't what I wanted..." I sat down so I could see her eyes. "I want to have a baby with someone I love." She looked at me and smiled, before it faded and she turned away. "Its stupid." I shook my head. "It makes sense for humans to want to have a family and raise there own. It's what you were put on this planet to do." I knew by her reaction, that I shouldn't have said that.

She turned around, mouth a gap. "Excuse me?" I tried to hide my nervousness. "Humans are meant to breed" That wasn't worded any better. "What am I? A sex toy?!" She wasn't understanding what I was saying. "That's not what I meant. A woman like yourself would be happy having children. Making love is just a bonus." I mentally facepalmed. "That doesn't sound like making love. Do you even know that that is? The way you describe it sounds like just sex." This was something we hadn't really talked about before. I never knew the difference between the two. Or that they were even different things. "Well, then whats the difference?" She opened her mouth and blushed. "Well... uh..." She rubbed her neck awkwardly. "Well sex is a part of making love, but making love is more passionate and you do the same things during sex but... mmm...." She had no idea how to get her point across. The subject obviously made her a little uncomfortable and I was going to tell her to stop but she continued to rant anyway. "Making love has more passion. Has more spark. It's gentle and has this feeling like you could be together forever. When you love the person, with everything you have. Sex, you can do with anyone, but making love is for that special person." I felt my face turn blue. I had never read anything the way she described it before. All the articles I found were about where to put what, not about the feelings around it. I wondering what making love was like. "Have you ever made love with someone?" She blushed and looked down. "No, I haven't" It made me feel light, knowing that she had never done something like that before. I, obviously being an Android, have never done that sorta thing. All I had ever done is kiss Charlotte. I felt a lightbulb go off in my head. "Well, are there different types of kissing too? Since that is associated with sex and making love?" I didn't think her face could get anymore crimson but I was wrong. "Not in the sense of passion, but there are different ways you can do it..." 

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