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Words - 3270

Next Update - July 23

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I had been a little jumpy all day, I felt bad about it. I knew Connor knew I was uncomfortable today and I just hoped he didn't feel bad or like it was his fault. Hank came to pick us up this morning. I wore a black sweater and dark jeans. Along with some gloves and a beanie, letting my hair fall down to maybe keep me a little warmer. And the final accessory was my dad's over-sized jacket. I got a text from Hank saying he was outside. "Connor!" I yelled for him, as he was getting dressed in our room. I saw his head peek around the corner and giggled. "Yes, Charlotte?" I smiled, glad he wasn't calling me Detective anymore. "Hank's outside." He nodded and walked out of the room, throwing me my keys. I caught them with ease and opened the door and we both headed to Hanks car. Connor opened the door for me. I hoped in with a smile. Hank turned around as a chuckled escaped his lips. "Whats go you so happy?" I shook my head. "Nothing, just a really good snowy day." He tsked and turned back to the road. We set off once Connor had made it inside.

When we arrived at Kamski's, Hank said he wanted to be alone for a bit. It seemed the ride here had made him think a lot and for a few moments he needed to clear his head. But soon he had been out there for half an hour and we needed to get to work on the case. I looked at Connor and we both nodded in agreement. His time was up for now. Snow fell all around us and even with the layers I was wearing, I was still freezing. I blew on my covered hands hoping to warm them up a tad bit more. Connor walked up to Hank, as he looked off into the distance. "Is everything okay, Lieutenant?" I did a small jog to be next to him. Hank looked at us both, and could almost see the worry etched on our faces. "Chris was on patrol last night. He was attacked by a bunch of deviants. He said he was saved by Markus himself..." My hands flew over my face as I stepped forward. "Is Chris okay?" Both Connor and I said in unison. Chris was a nice man. He talked to us yesterday at the tower when Connor was shot. He was there at the Eden club when we told Reed he had to leave. He's an amazingly kind man. I knew in the back of my mind that Markus would have never intended to hurt him unless the Androids pressured him... "Yeah, he's in shock but... he's alive." I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. "Thank goodness!" Connor rubbed my shoulder gently, as he saw the worry just seeping out of me from all angles. Hank turned back to look into the horizon. "What the hell.." He stared for a few more seconds, before starting to walk towards the door. We followed behind. "I have a bad feeling, Lieutenant. We shouldn't have come here." I looked at Connor. He had never had a 'bad feeling' about anything. Much less let it stop him from going through with his mission. "Bad feeling huh? Should get your program checked. Might be a glitch." I laughed mockingly. I ran to the door and rang the doorbell, before taking a step back and waiting.

Hank went to ring the doorbell again but a blonde, blued eyed, female android opened the door. She was beautiful and was a model I had never seen before. She wore her hair in a side pony tail, resting on her shoulder and a beautiful blue dress. She looked like the perfect woman. I blushed at my own thoughts. She stared at us without saying a word before Hank let out an awkward hello. "Hi... uh... I'm,er, Lieutenant Hank Anderson, This is Charlotte James, from the Detroit Police Department. We're here to see Mr. Elijah Kamski." She finally smiled and gestured for us to come in. Her voice was soft and gently. "Please come in." I knew androids were meant to seem a bit more realistic but her smile was way too fake. It left me feeling uneasy. Hank looked surprise and hesitated before walking inside, Connor and I followed right behind. She closed the door behind us and I felt the cold air from outside be masked by the warmth from Kamski's home. She walked in front of us. "I'll let Elijah know you're here. But please, make yourself comfortable." I don't know how I could do that. This place was so big, so nice... so... expensive. Hank sat down and I followed Connor as he looked around the room. A huge painting of "Kamski" was on his wall. "Why does a man need a picture of himself in his own house? And why does it have to be so big?" I mumbled to myself. "Nice girl." Hank replied behind us. Connor walked away to find more things to analyze. "Your right, She's really pretty." I stayed facing the picture as Connor spoke those words. I looked down at myself. I sighed and continued to stare at the photo. "Nice place. Guess androids haven't been a bad thing for everybody." I broke from my thoughts and walked next to Connor again. He was looking at a picture of Kamski and woman. "Amanda..." He mumbled to himself. I looked at the woman again, before looking up at Connor. "You know her?" He nodded softly. "I have a safe place I can go to in my software. She's there and she tells me if I do something wrong or if I did a good job. She's been angry with me lately. I talk about you a lot and I don't think she's very fond of you. She's the one who made me start calling you detective again, because she thought we were becoming too close." 

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