3 || Alana's story (cont.)

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I slept in a park that night.

It was in a rich neighborhood. I felt that I would be safe there, so I made it my temporary home.

A few days into my stay at the park, some guy woke me up one morning asking what I was doing in the park.

He looked nice and trustworthy so I told him my situation in hopes that he would be able to help me in some kind of way.

Luckily, he turned out to be rich and offered to have me covered for the rest of my life no matter what, under one condition.

As long as I agreed to have his child he would take care of me and make sure I was good.

Now of course my initial reaction in my mind was no, but I thought about it and realized I had nothing to lose. My life was already a mess and had been falling apart for years and if I had just had this mans baby he would have me taken care of for the rest of my life, so I thought 'why not?'

Once I agreed to have his baby he took me to his place and I got all cleaned up. He let me stay and allowed me to think about the whole baby agreement for a good month before i finalized it.

Soon I became pregnant with my daughter.

He stayed with me my whole pregnancy and made sure everything went smooth and I was alright and comfortable the entire way.

When the time came for my daughter to come out, everything was great and easier than I thought it would be. Thank God.

I stayed with my sugar daddy and our daughter until she was sitting up and I eventually got her off of my breast milk and on to formula.

That entire time, I was homeschooled, I didn't really leave the house much because there were a few news articles and blogs about me missing and it had my pictures all around Paris, and I didn't want to get caught and taken back to my old house.

Life was great with my sugar daddy. We enjoyed each others company.

Then one day I woke up and something told me to go home back to my mom's house and see how things were there, so I went back for the second semester of sophomore year.

That year was rough, I missed a lot of classes because I would sneak off to my sugar daddy's house and see my baby whenever I wanted.

I almost ended up doing summer school because I had missed so much and I was behind on so much work, but luckily I was able to catch up right before the deadline for grades.

My mom was extremely worried and stressed out that year.

She finally ended things with Thomas and was desperate for a new boyfriend since she felt like she needed to have a man in her life.

Thankfully her new man actually had a heart and cared for her, and they ended up getting married just a few months after being together.

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