10 || facing Bryan

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Aug dropped me off at home so I could get ready for school.

When my mom questioned where I was I just told her Lauren's house and she believed me.

I went upstairs and took a shower then got dressed and finished everything else before walking out the door and walking to school.

School was a thirty minute drive from my house. So imagine how long it takes me to walk there. An hour and a half, that's explains why I'm late all the time.

Why don't you just take a car? You may ask.

Because I can't drive. My mom has work. And my stepdad's car has been in the shop for awhile now. He had a bad accident awhile ago. They told him it would take thousands of dollars to fully repair, and he's been paying them slowly over the past few months. He's in no rush, they understand that he doesn't just want to lay all the money out there like that. Him and my mom just ride together every morning. And I could take an Uber to school, but I like the exercise.

I got an incoming FaceTime call from Bryan.

My stomach started to ache because I remembered what I had done to him last night.

I still didn't know how or when I was going to tell him that I cheated on him and had sex with my sugar daddy.

I decided to answer the call, since I've been acting suspicious towards him lately and he's probably starting to worry about me.

"Hey!" I answered.

"Hey, where are you?" I seen him trying to figure out where I was by the background in my camera.

"I'm walking."

"The bells about to ring, you're gonna be late babe." He chuckled.

"I know. That's the point. I hate my first period."

"I know, but if you wanna pass the class you have to be there."

"Yeah I know I know. I'll fix my grade in that class before it's too late. Don't worry."

"So when do you think you're gonna get here? I need to talk to you about something."

"I don't know, maybe in an hour maybe less, and I actually need to talk to you too."

"Okay, I'll see you when you get here."



I hung up the phone and continued playing my music through my headphones as I walked to school.

I got to school after 2nd period because I stopped and got a coffee and ended up getting distracted by a few other things along the way to school.

I texted Bryan and told him to meet me by the girls locker rooms, hoping he would see it and get there before me.

I needed time to prepare myself for what I was going to say to him.

I took my time getting to the girls locker rooms and when I seen that Bryan hadn't made it yet I was happy because I still wasn't prepared to tell him what I had to say yet.

When I finally seen him coming my way from down the hall I put a slight smile on my face and waited for him to get all the way to me before I greeted him.

When he got to me he grabbed me up in his arms and swung me around, while giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

"I missed you so much," He said, putting me back down on the ground and staring at me with his big happy eyes.

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