12 || april 26

174 15 6


           "Happy birthday babe." Bryan brought out a small gift from behind his back and handed it to me.

"Thanks Bryan," I gave a small smile and took the gift.

He watched as I opened the gift, revealing a little shower speaker I had been talking about for the past days leading up to my birthday.

I laughed and thanked him for the gift.

"No problem."

I put the gift back in the bag and sat it on the floor and continued to watch the tv, cuddled up with Bryan on the couch.

He wanted me to spend the weekend at his house.

We hadn't been close very recently because of all the chaos going on with me and my life. But Bryan was trying to fix it by slowly getting me to start coming over to his house and hanging out again.

Things were alright. He still had a lot of trust issues but I knew he was trying to get over them.

Bryan flipped through the channels on the tv and ended up stopping on an old Maury episode.

It was about some girl that had two boyfriends and claimed one of them had to be the father of her newborn baby. In the end, neither of the boys was the father, and she ended up running back stage crying like they usually do.

Bryan laughed at the tv and turned it off before facing me.

"You never told me about that guy and baby I seen you with that one time."

Oh lord

Yes, Bryan had caught me leaving with August and the baby that one day when August came to pick me up from school, to go to the hospital for Kai.

I sat up in my spot on the couch and sighed.

"He was nobody."

"He was obviously somebody, if you left my car in a hurry talking about you had to take an important phone call, and then a few minutes later I see you run out of school and drive off with some grown man and his baby," Bryan began to raise his voice a little.

"It was nothing. Really," I looked down at my lap trying to think of an excuse.

"Why are you lying Alana? Ever since that day you've been acting strange, not showing up to school, being distant, trying to ghost all the people that care about you. What's going on?"

"It's nothing."

"Is there something you wanna tell me?" He scooter closer to me.

Nows your chance. Just tell him and everything will be over.

".....no," I continued to look down at my lap.

"Alana I'm giving you a chance to speak up, just tell me what's going on."

"I don't have anything to say Bryan, just leave it alone!"

Now I was getting frustrated.

"Don't raise your voice at me."

"You're being very annoying right now, I told you nothing was going on. Clearly if the situation was something I wanted to share with you I would've told you by now, but I'm not comfortable sharing it with you at the moment. So please just leave it alone."

"I know about everything Alana. I know all your little secrets. So I'm giving you one last chance to tell me before I go off!"

"Go off, I don't care."

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