11 || rough patch

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              The last few weeks have been hectic. August and I have been in and out of the hospital with Skai. She's been sick and it seems like it's just getting worse and worse.

I've also been missing a lot of school, and haven't been home much. Everyone's worried about me.

I have my mom calling me one minute, Lauren calling me the next, and then Bryan constantly calling and texting me every second.

He's been very suspicious of me, I've seen all his texts telling me how I better not be messing around with anyone and how he doesn't trust me anymore.

It's so much to handle right now, with what's going on with Skai, and then having to deal with school, and then dealing with Bryan on top of all that. So I just decided to avoid Bryan and not focus on school so much right now.

Skai has been my main focus.

Most of my time was being spent at the doctors office and August's house. And if I wasn't in either of those places I was out getting different medicines for Skai to take.

They haven't told us what's wrong with her yet. They said it's pretty serious but not serious enough to have her sleeping at the hospital overnight.

August's stressed.

I'm stressed.

I just want this whole thing to be over already.

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