6 || new flame

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        "Hey Alana over here!" My friend Lauren shouted to me from across the food court.

I looked at her and smiled letting her know I seen her and began making my way over to her table.

As I sat down she greeted me with her usual saying.

"Hey girl!"

"Hey," i said as I scooted in my chair and got comfortable.

"You good? You seem off."

I hated how she could see right through me.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just stressed about this project in physics," I lied.

"Oh okay. Don't stress over it girl, I'm sure it'll come out good in the end. You're smart you'll figure it out and have an amazing final product in no time." She smiled.

I smiled too and thanked her for her kind words.

I couldn't tell her what was really going on in my life.

Yes she was my childhood friend.

Yes she knows about all the stuff that happened with my mom and her ex boyfriend.

Yes she was one of the many people searching for me the entire time I went missing.

And yes, her family moved out to California with my mom and I.

She's been there through it all but I just can't let her know what really went down when I was gone.

Atleast not yet.

I'm sure she would be super happy and ecstatic when she finds out I have a daughter that she can play with  and be around, she's always joked about how she's never gonna have kids because she knows that I'll have enough for her to take care of and make her forget she doesn't have any. I really want to tell her everything, and I almost did when I first got back, but I'm just not ready to explain myself yet.

Lately my sugar daddy and I have been having a lot of disagreements and it's been affecting my mood, I'm not going to lie.

I say one thing, he'll say another. I want him to do this, he'll have some type of excuse not to do it.

You'd think since he's a grown man he'd be more mature and atleast try to see my side of things, but unfortunately he chooses not to.

Lauren and I had a nice conversation while eating our lunch, before the warning bell rang, telling us it was time to head to class.

Lauren and I got up and threw our garbage away before walking back inside the school building.

Before we parted ways I gave her a hug and told her I'd call her later.

As I approached my class I felt a pair of arms wrap around my body from behind.

I turned around seeing that it was Bryan.

"Hey babe." I said as I pecked his lips.

Bryan and I were dating now.

Yes, boyfriend and girlfriend:)

"Hey where you going?" He asked.

"Class, where else?" I laughed.

"Oh, I was hoping you and I could skip and go make out in my car again. You know things got a little steamy last time, but you ended it before it could go anywhere. I was hoping we could finish." He smirked.

"As much as I'd love to Bryan, i have to go to this class today. It's something important going on that I can't miss."

"Aight babe, maybe tomorrow then?"

"We'll see."

"Alright. Bye beautiful." He gave me a goodbye kiss before running off to whatever class he had next.

I walked into my class, not ready for whatever complicated assignment Mr. Castro decided to give us today.

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