bonus chapter : Christmas

115 3 4

[ alana ]

I sat on the couch as I called the girls downstairs to open up their gifts.

Of course it took them awhile because they move on their own time.

When they finally got downstairs we opened a few gifts together.

August was still upstairs asleep as all this was going on, so we just left his stuff under the tree, along with Kadynce's stuff since she wasn't here with us, due to her being at her dad's house for the holidays.

"Oh my gosh mom, you really got me some more airpods? You're so sweet." Skai came over to the couch and gave me a hug.

"No problem sweetie," i smiled.

"Now i can listen to music again!" she chuckled.

Skai somehow managed to break her last pair of airpods that she had bought with her own money, so i thought it would just be a nice little gesture to give her a new pair without her having to pay for them this time.

i'll admit it wasn't easy just going in and buying them. they're some very expensive earphones, but i mean it's worth it, and it makes my girl happy, and that's all that matters to me, is my girls being happy.

My thoughts were interrupted by a scream coming from Aubrey.

i smiled as i seen the reason she was screaming was because she found the car keys to her new car.

I had been thinking long and hard for the past year and a half about getting her a car, cause i sure as hell am tired of driving the girl everywhere.

She's always all over the place and i'm honestly just so tired of it so i finally caved in a few months ago and bought Aubrey's first car.

I decided a Honda Accord was good enough for her

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I decided a Honda Accord was good enough for her.

She didn't need to be around here driving a bmw or anything.

I chose the Honda because it had a nice little look to it and I just knew she would like it the second i seen it.


"Alright girl, calm down," i laughed at her excitement.

She ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug she's ever given me in her entire life, and that alone let me know she appreciated the gift.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH MOM OH MY GOSH I LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOU DONT EVEN UNDERSTAND!" she looked down at the keys as her eyes became watery from excitement.

Soon, August appeared at the bottom of the steps in his robe, looking like somebody's auntie.

"Now what the hell is going on down here?" he asked

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"Now what the hell is going on down here?" he asked. "All this damn screaming, woke me up outta my sleep."

I laughed as i got up from the couch and walked over to him.

"It's just the girls excited about their little gifts." i reached up and wrapped my arms around him as i stood and looked at the girls finishing opening up their last few gifts.

"Oh, y'all like them?" He asked.

"Yeah," they both answered in unison.

"Good, good."

As they finished opening their last present i presented them with some news.

"Okay girls, August and I have one more gift for the both of you."

"The same thing?" Aubrey asked.

"No it's two separate gifts." i told her.

"Okay well where are they?" Skai asked.

"Go take a look outside."

August and I both followed the girls as they walked outside.

"Wait....No! No! NO! NO WAY!"

"I guess Skai found her gift," august turned to me as we both shared a laugh.

Skai picked up the little puppy that was sitting in a box under one of the many trees in our front yard.

"Oh my gosh he's so cute, I can't believe you guys got me a puppy." she hugged the puppy close to her face.

" she hugged the puppy close to her face

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"Thank you guys so much, I love him."

"No problem baby," August smiled, proud that she loved his gift so much. "Your place allows pets right?" He asked just to make sure she would be able to go back to her home with the dog.

"Yeah, as long as they're small to medium size I'm all good." she smiled.

Aubrey came back around the corner with a frown on her face, "I don't see my gift." she said.

"You don't?" i asked.


"Did you check the little coupe thing?"

"Yeah, there was nothing." she said.

"it must've escaped. He's around here somewhere." i told her.

We heard something rumble in the bushes, Aubrey slowly crept over to it before quickly grabbing him up in her arms.

"A CHICKEN?!" Skai asked.

"A CHICKEN?!" Skai asked

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"Yes!" i yelled.

"Woah he's kinda wild," Aubrey tried to hold the chicken in her hands without letting go.

"Yeah, he's a wild one. Do you like him tho?" i asked her.

"Yes i love him. He's perfect," she put him down and let him roam free across the yard.

i smiled, happy that the girls were satisfied with their gifts, this was definitely the last christmas that they would be getting so many gifts. I swear next year it's just going to be a $100 bill and a hug, cause after all the stuff i've paid for this year, my pockets are going to need some time to recover.

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