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It was around 5am and August hadn't been able to sleep all night, and Alana had been falling in and out of sleep.

August noticed that neither of them had been able to go, or stay, asleep throughout the night.

So, both decided they could go for a morning walk.

As they were walking down the path August grabbed Alana's hand and laced his fingers with hers.

She deeply sighed as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"What's wrong? You've been down lately. You miss the girls?" he asked her.

August wasn't aware of the whole Aubrey leaving situation. Alana had decided not to tell him because she felt like he wouldn't care, because it's not his kid.

"Yeah, kinda," she answered lowly.

"It's alright baby. Skai will be back home from school whenever she has her next break, and Aubrey......where is she?" he realized he hadn't seen her around the house at all in the past week.

Alana sighed, "She's gone too."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know...she just left." Alana's eye's began to water and she began to get that feeling of her throat closing.

She had been crying over the situation all week. She felt horrible. Even though Aubrey was 18, meaning she was technically an adult and could leave the house, and be able to support herself completely, Alana still felt completely bad about the whole situation.

"Huh? Just left? Like she's moving out?" August was confused.

"I don't know August!" Alana stopped walking and looked up at him with tears streaming down her face, "She came home last week at 3 in the morning and I just so happened to catch her right as she was coming through the door and I asked her, 'What's going on?' and she couldn't tell me......?" She paused as she began to cry harder.

She still couldn't believe she just let her daughter get away from her like that. She couldn't help but feel like it was all her fault. She didn't understand where she had went wrong in parenting for her child to just up and leave like that.

"Woah baby, it's okay. I'm sure she's fine. It's alright. She'll be back." August tried to comfort her.

"She told me she'll be back 'eventually' but what the hell does that mean?! I just let her walk right out the door and get into some random ass car!! I fucking hate myself, what kind of mother just stands and watches her child leave?"

Alana was expressing a certain type of emotion that August had never had to deal with before so he was unsure of what he could possibly say or do to make her feel better.

"You said she just ran out and got into a random car?" he asked.

"Yes! It was just sitting outside and when she ran off down the driveway, she walked out the gate and just got in and they took off down the street."

August scratched the back of his head as he thought to himself.

"I could be wrong, but it seems like she meant to leave on purpose that night. She probably came in the house thinking we would be sleeping and she could just grab a few bags of clothes and then go off to wherever she went." he said.

"Yeah that makes sense. Cause why else would there just be a random car outside waiting for her." Alana nodded her head realizing that had to be what she was planning. "But why?" she asked out loud, more to herself than to August.

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