bonus chapter: IKEA

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Alana had been upstairs, in one of the many rooms of the house, trying to put together a new wardrobe system for all her clothes.

August had way too many clothes and she was sick and tired of always having to go through all of his stuff before finally finding hers, so she decided to go out and buy a wardrobe installation from IKEA.

She had successfully brought all the boxes upstairs to the room that she wanted as her new "closet."

The instructions on the paper started off pretty easy, so she was able to build a shelf or two, but then things got a little complicated.

What the hell is this piece? She asked herself as she looked at the paper.

She attempted to build another section of the wardrobe system, but ending up failing and having to start all over again.

After hearing all the banging around for an hour, August decided to come in and check on her to see what was causing all the ruckus.

"You in here just struggling by yourself?" he chuckled, "Why didn't you come get me? I can help."

"I'm fine," Alana looked up at him and smiled, wiping the sweat off her forehead.

"Give me the instructions."

"The instructions are confusing as hell, you wouldn't understand them."

"Girl, just give me the instructions."

Alana handed him the instructions and just as she had predicted, August twisted his face in confusion.

"What the fuck are these words?" August asked.

Alana laughed, "See i told you, you wouldn't understand."

August came on the floor and sat next to her.

"I'm gonna build this, fuck the instructions, I know what i'm doing."

"August you can't just wing it. It's made to be built a certain type of way, which needs to be built by following the instructions."

"Aug don't need no instructions, I got this." he said.

"Alright, well i'm going to go take a shower and cleanse the ickyness off of me."

"Take your time. By the time you're out, this will be complete."

"Okay, have fun." Alana chuckled to herself as she walked out the room and went down the hall to get clean.


After pampering herself and getting a quick snack from the kitchen, Alana went back to the room that August had been in for the past hour and a half.

As she walked in she seen that he had the whole thing set up and was just finishing a few shelves.

"Oh my gosh, August how did you do this?" She was amazed at how nicely the system looked.

"Eh, you know....Aug got that magic touch."

She laughed, "Stop referring to yourself in third person." She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall watching him insert the last shelf.

He stepped back and admired the work he had just finished putting together.

"Ta- Daaa!" he yelled. "Told you I could do it."

"Yeah. It's nice," Alana smiled.

August stood up and admired his work in front of him.

"Yup, ya boy has skills." He patted the wardrobe system, then turned around and smiled with his arms up in the air.

Not even two seconds after he had turned around, a shelf fell. Then another.......and another.

Until eventually the whole thing just collapsed all together, on top of August.

"AHH August are you okay?" Alana ran over to August on the floor.

"Yeah i'm fine." He pushed the few shelves that had fallen, off of him. But he continued to still lay on the floor.

"I can fix it, just hand me the screw driver over there." He told her.

"Fuck it, I'm calling professionals." Alana said as she walked out the room. "Oh, I'm going to get Boba. Want anything?" she popped her head back in the room and asked August.

"Nah, i'm good baby." He said, as he continued to lay on the floor.

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