14 || intense

175 10 6


         It was getting closer to my due date, I was 8 and a half months now, and I was so excited. I couldn't wait to meet my baby girl. Chaz had been acting strange lately, but I was thinking it was just because it's his first child and he just wanted everything to go smoothly and as planned.

We're going to name her Aubrey.

The doorbell rang as I was cleaning up the kitchen, and I had to answer it because Chaz was in my room sleeping per usual.

I opened the door to some girl I had never seen before.

She had a weird looking smirk on her face.

"Uhh hello, can I help you?" I asked, very suspicious of her. Her presence was off.

She nodded her head and before I could say anything she pushed me super hard and unexpectedly, causing me to fall and land on my butt.

"What the hell?" I held on to the closest thing to me and tried to get up, but was pushed back down by the same girl.

She sat on top of me, trying to hold me down, and randomly pulled out a huge knife from behind her back.

My heart started pounding super fast and I didn't know what the fuck to do so I just yelled for Chaz.

"Chaz! Babe!! Help!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I screamed over and over again but nothing was happening.

"Shut up stupid bitch. Just cooperate and this will all go smoothly." The girl began to cut my stomach.

"Wait what are you doing?!" I asked.

"I'm getting MY baby!!"

Wtf type of delusional bitch did I just open the door for?

"This is my baby! Who are you?"

"I'm here to take my baby and that's it, now shut the fuck up and let me do my job. Once she's out I'll just take her and you'll be free to go about your day." She started to cut at my stomach again.

"No stop it! She's not ready to come out!" I squirmed and kicked trying to get myself free from whoever this girl was.

She stopped and sighed before yelling a name that was familiar to me.

"Bryan! Come here."

At first I thought, no that can't be the same Bryan I dated back in 11th grade.

But it was him. As soon as he turned the corner and made eye contact I let out a huge gasp.

"What the fuck, Bryan?! What are you doing here?!"

"Shut up bitch, Bryan go over there and cover her mouth so she can stop screaming so loud. I don't want any of the neighbors to come and see what's going on over here."

Bryan did exactly as the girl commanded and came over to me and harshly placed his hand over my mouth blocking out majority of my screams as the girl continued to cut open my stomach and attempt to get my baby.

Loud cries filled the room and I knew that meant she had successfully cut open my stomach and would get to the baby soon.

I laid there in so much pain and cried, begging and begging for Bryan to have some type of emotion and be able to stop her.

When I felt her reach up in my stomach and remove my baby girl the pain got 100000x worse.

As soon as she was finished she got up, with my baby in her arms, and looked down at me.

"This is for stealing my man back in high school. I was deeply in love with Bryan and he just up and left me for you. You have no idea how many nights I sat up crying, thinking about him and our relationship wondering what I did wrong! You didn't deserve him. You took someone that I loved so dearly away from me, And now I have him back with me, I'm going to return the favor to you! Enjoy your life luv."

After her last word she motioned for Bryan to follow her, and walked out my apartment.

I couldn't move, I had no words, all I could do was lay on the ground shaking and crying hysterically.

After what seemed like forever I started to go in and out of consciousness.

I can't believe I lost my baby

I didn't know what to do. I laid there on the floor ready to die.

As my eyes began to close I seen a light. I thought it was God telling me it was my time to go, so I decided to follow it.

I heard a few murmurs in the background. I couldn't hear much because my hearing was starting to fade. The voice sounded very familiar, but before I could figure out who it belonged to everything went black.

"Daddy is mommy dead?"

"No Kai, she's sleeping."

"She's been sleeping for a long time, did she have a long day at work?"

"No kai, mommy got hurt. Remember? Hopefully she'll be okay and wake up soon."

"What happened to her, daddy?"

"You'll understand when you're older."

"Okay daddy."

This was Kai's first time visiting her mom in the hospital since the whole incident almost 2 months ago.

Even though Kai was the one that found her mother unconscious in her apartment, with a lot of blood coming out, she didn't really understand what had happened. All she knew was that her mommy was hurt.

That day was the most traumatizing and hectic day in my entire life:

I pulled up to the front of Alana's apartment complex and told Skai she could go up, while I handled a business phone call real quick.

I watched as Skai went into the building and ran up the stairs. Alana lived on the second floor, so it wouldn't take Skai long to get there.

Then not even 3 minutes later, right as the business call was starting, Skai came running back with tears streaming down her eyes and screaming that her mommy was dead.

I immediately got off the phone and ran up to Alana's apartment seeing that the door was wide open so anyone could walk in.

I seen a trail of blood leading up to Alana's lifeless looking body on the floor in her living room.

In that moment, I immediately dialed 911 and explained everything. They came within 5 minutes and took her away to the hospital where they pronounced her as in a state of coma.

The first 2 weeks I never left her side. I spent all my nights at the hospital with her. But after awhile I realized I had to go back to work and keep the money coming in so I'd be able to keep supporting myself and my daughter.

That's when I started cutting my visits down to 3 times a week. And Now that it's been almost 2 months, I only visited once a week.

I brought Kai today because I at this point I wasn't sure if Alana was going to wake up, and I just wanted Kai to be able to see her mom in her last stage of living, if she was to die soon.

The police couldn't do anything to find Alana's missing baby because they didn't have any type of picture or anything. They had some finger prints but couldn't seem to find any matches to the case.

When I noticed that Kai was getting tired I decided that it was time to go.

Kai went over and gave her mom a hug and kiss before we left.

I really hope she wakes up soon.

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