6. Moments of Truth

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Yay another update! Enjoy the read. Thank you to all my reader supporters. I'm glad you've stuck around this long 😊😃.

If some things dont add up to anything you've read in the past, just remember that it's just a book & just go with it. Lol. 😂😌


I started counting steps. We stepped off the elevator on the 4th floor of what I can only explain as an upscale hospital floor. It wasn't the bland miserable hospitals I'm use to seeing. I didn't know these existed. I guess the guys either knew someone to hook them up with a nice room or they were paying extra. 128 steps from the elevator to Pav's room.

Willem was already in the room sitting on the sofa with Warren. They were talking when I entered with Zac. I looked over at Warren as he stood up & walked towards me. He wasn't super cheery but he did smile when he saw me. "Hey babe, long time no see. Ya miss me" he said as he kissed me in the cheek.

"Yes I missed you. There was no one at the house to tell me corny jokes & annoy me on purpose. I guess I couldn't event get a phone call from you"I said jokingly. I had to say something lightheartedly. I hadn't even looked at Pav yet & he was literally right next to me while I stood at the end of the bed facing the Sofa.

"Yeah I've been a little too preoccupied to call baby, sorry" he replied as he lifted his right hand towards Pav.

I finally looked over at Pavel lying there hooked up to machines with IVs & some kind of tubed clear plastic breathing mask on his face. It was surreal seeing him like that. Right in front of my eyes & I still didn't believe it. I felt sadness creeping up in me, as I walked over & stood by him. I heard the machines beeping as he lay there the most peaceful I'd ever seen him.

My feelings of sadness changed to ones of satisfaction in his current state. I knew to keep my current feelings hidden. If someone showed happiness in the fact that one of my family members was unconscious, I'd be ready to throw down. I dont need to give them a reason to hate on me right now.

"We're going to go get some food downstairs. Do you want anything" Zac said towards Warren, as he headed to the door with Willem.

"Yeah just get me a garden salad, club sandwich & chips. Zo do you want anything"

Wow this is the most normal sounding conversation. I'm actually getting a choice. "Oh. Um, yeah. I'll just have the same" I replied.

They both left out the room, but not before Zac told me to be good & mentioning they have someone out in the hallway. I doubt it though. I mean this isnt some mafia crime boss. This is Pav & the only ones that would have something against him are the women he sales & they're long gone around the world.

I dont know what's happen to the girl that shot him. I hope she got far away on some kind of modern underground railroad I wish existed.

Warren went & sat back down on the sofa. "They said he can probably hear us when we talk to him. So if you have something positive to say, go for it. I've been talking to him all day every day. He's better then he was at first, that's for damn sure"

"Oh, ok. That's good" Is all I replied. The messed up vengeful abused woman in me wanted to grab him by the neck like he's done to me so many times, & squeeze. Bruise his neck like he did mine the last time I saw him. I kept my self control as I stared at Pav. For Warren's sake, I was going to be nice. I rested my hand on his arm "Hey Pav it's me, um you're going to be alright. Warren is here to watch you." I looked over at Warren with a comforting fake tight-lipped smile.

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