A/N || Miranda

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Am I the only one who feels guilty for being happy when Mark is in pain? Like, yeah, I shed a few tears when I saw his video, but I'm still laughing a few minutes later.

And what he said!

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine."

Noooo! I can't help but worry! I just want to hug him so fucking bad it hurts!

All these things he has to go through. I don't get it. Such a great person with nothing but good intentions in the world has to deal with multiple hardships. More than what I think is normal(for his age, at least).

Am I wrong? I mean, he's had so many things happen, and he's only 28.

The world that holds every fan, friend, or family of Mark's will send love(and prayers for people who believe them), and thats the most we can do.

Miranda is in a better place, I guess. She doesn't have to live in this terrible world anymore. She's at peace.

Love and prayers towards the Fischbach family❤️

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