Chapter 5

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*Syrene POV*

When I reached the front gate of my house, I suddenly got weak and seated on the bench. What have I done to Kenneth? I don't know if I could still trust him after what he and Hyson both did to me.

They're just the same, I shouldn't just cry infront of him. I'm strong and I must show him that I changed myself.

[8㏘ at Hongdae Club]

I decided to spend my time on the club, alone and easing the painful memories that are always getting inside my mind.

"One vodka, please"

I told the bartender.

He put a small glass of vodka infront of me.

These dark place... red, black, and yellow with green lights

that kept on moving around the place. These lights are the things that blinded me when I spend the night with Hyson.

I've hated those fragment memories, and I just wanted to get revenge, and being with him is a hellish mistake.

I took the vodka and straightly drink it.

"One more please"

The bartender pour some vodka again.

When I was about to drink it, I felt someone who suddenly stops my hand, I saw that it was Kenneth again.

"Why are you here?" I asked him.

He pointed at his friends' place.

"So?" I asked.

He holds my hand and took the glass of vodka then he was the one who drink it.

"So, you shouldn't drink this"

he said as he put the glass back.

I scoff and called the bartender again, but he grip my arm.

"You're hurting me" I said.

"Syrene, why are you behaving on this kind of way?" he asked me.

"I want to be myself, Kenneth... I want to free myself from the pain I've been experiencing for so long"

I told him as I look away from him.

Even I myself don't know about the way I behave this night. I just wore a red sexy dress, wear a heavy make-up and curled my orange-brown hair.

I was really out of my mind tonight.

Kenneth slowly holds my face, so I look at him and we stare at each other romanticly.

"I'm always here for you, Syrene" he said seriously.

My body felt small heat that arose onto my mind, the reason for me to embrace him and kiss him on his lips. I felt him embracing me and responding to my kisses.

But, I got back onto my senses when I saw his eyes staring only at me. I stop on what I've been doing with him and stand up, away from him.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

I let go of his hands and seat back at my chair again.

"We shouldn't be doing that.. I'm so shameful" I said.

"No, I like it" he suddenly said.

I look at him and smirk.

"You're crazy, Kenneth" I told him.

"I'm crazy for you, Syrene"

he added.

He's being serious, then maybe I should try on playing with him this time.

I smiled and stand up, I hold his hands and slowly pull him going to the dancefloor which has many crowds dancing.

He was laughing handsomely, maybe because of the atmosphere.

I started dancing when the song Quit Playing was played. He was watching me seriously, then I started on embracing him again.

"Why aren't you dancing?"

I asked him as I move my eyes looking at his face very close.

"I can't dance to a person like you... just enjoy" he said.

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