Chapter 23

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*Abelia's POV*

I was on my desk when Elexis entered the shop again. Then, I look at him.

"Do you need something?" I asked him.


I waited for his answer..


"What?" I added.

"I need you" he finally said.

I just stare at him, poker face.

"Go out with me, Abelia" he said again.

I smiled evilishly, and stand up from my table.

"Where will you take me?" I asked him.

"On the place where you wanted to be"

he said.

"There's no place where I wanted to be, now.. you're the one that will take me to a place which you like the most" I said.

"Deal.. let's go?"

He reached out his hand infront of me, acting like a gentleman. I placed my hands on his palm and he held me towards his car.

While driving...

"How are you?" he asked.

"I'm okay... and trying to move on in life"

I replied.

"Are you broken-hearted?"

"I don't want to answer that, Elexis"

I added.

"Okay, sorry" he said.

Silence filled up the whole car until we arrived at a beautiful river park.. Its not the Han River Park, but another kind of park.

We went down from the car and I started to walk away from him. This place is kinda special for him, but why did he brought me here?

"You like it in here?" he asked.

I turn around and smile at him, he then walk towards me and viewed the place.

"This is my childhood place, this is where I used to stay when I'm sad" he added.

"But, there's no more people visiting here except for you.." I said.

"This place is already abandoned.."

"So you like places which are already abandoned?" I asked.

He sighed at me and look away.

"Its what I've been experiencing... I was like abandoned by him" he replied.

I hold him on his shoulders.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"My step dad, he treats me just like one of his workers in the company"

"Then, why is it like that?" I asked.

"I don't know, things happened so fast that I myself cannot even imagine that I'll be experiencing such wrath" he said.

"My real dad had died just because of saving our company" he added.

"What happened to your company?"

I asked him.

"The truth, its my fault why our company was about to fall down 2 years ago.. I've used the money to by things just for my wants and not for my needs"

"...Dad knew about it and he tried to save it, but after saving it... he was diagnosed with a cancer, we never knew that he was spending his whole day and night just to save the company from falling down and even used his strength on it" he added.

I just continued on listening to him.

"He kept on looking for new projects to offer with some of her financial partners, but it was too late... His partners' trust on him faded away and even told him that if they continued to have their shares with him, they might get onto a bankrupcy"

he said.

He suddenly walk away from me, and that time I knew that he's getting hurt and he doesn't want me to see him weak and crying.

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