Chapter 24

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"Elexis, we know that its your fault but things happened and you have to move on" I told him.

"Moving on is what weak people do!"

he said.


"That's what they do! Those weak people can just forget those hurtful things that happened on their lives because they can't do anything about it!" he shouted.

"They wanted to forget because those memories are just wrong! Its just a mistake... and they're not weak, Elexis"

I answered back madly.

"Why are you defending them? huh? Oh I know why! It's because you're one of them" he told me.

I just became silent, and thought that he's right. I'm one of those weak people, but he doesn't need to say it on me face-to-face!

"You should face those happenings, Abelia, because its a reality!" he added.

Tears form down onto my cheeks.

"Yes! I'm weak and stupid and I know to myself that I can't face my problems! Its because they're so many! I'm so tired facing it" I yelled at him crying.

I turn around and walk away a bit from him while sobbing.

Then, I heard him speaking to me.

"...I'm... sorry"

"You know what, can you just stop seeing me? Even if you tell me that you believe on those goddamn destiny of yours!"

I told him as I walk away.

But he followed me and grab me on my arms.

"Abelia.." he said.

"Elexis, please... leave me alone"

I told him.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because everytime you're here, I'm easily falling inlove with you.. my whole body is just looking for you and I don't know why" I cried.

"Then, why are you so afraid?" he asked.

"Because I don't wanna get hurt again, I was rejected by love for many times in my life" I replied.

He stare at me, then I pull out my arms from his grip, and continue to walk away.

After that day, I stayed on his car and slept. Then, I woke up and saw that it's already night time, and I was still on the car covered up with a black polo coat.

As I look outside, I saw Elexis standing alone and getting some fresh air.

So I decided to go down from the car and approaches him.

"When will you take me home?"

I asked him.

He look at me and smiled.

"Do you want to go home?" he answered.

"It depends" I said.

He continued to view those far away lights.

"You know, I wished to be back on the young me" I said.

"Because that's when your playing and if your knees are hurt, there's a chance of a fast healing, but now... there's no fast curing of a broken heart" I added.

He suddenly pull me closer towards him and lift up my chin.

"You're such a beautiful woman, but love won't be the answer for you to continue in life" he said.

"Are you telling me these, because you know that you can't love me back?"

I asked him.

No response.. I knew it even for the first time we met.

"Abelia, you shouldn't waste your time on me... I'm not ready to love anyone, any woman" he added.

I just stare at him, then a tear drop down from my eyes.

"Please.. send me home now, I want to go home" I silently cried.

He let go of my chin and I walk away, painfully..

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