Chapter 11

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While I'm getting up and up onto the part I'm already painting, I saw him staring at me.

"Am I really that pretty?"

I suddenly asked him. He laughs at what I just said.

"Don't you dare move while I'm working!" I said.

"Sorry!" he replied.

It took up afternoon for us to do that work, but he haven't been complaining that he's already hungry or anything that is bothering him already.

I asked him..

"Kenneth, are you still okay there?"

"I'm not yet tired" he said.

I continued a bit on painting since I was already on the part of his neck. I look at him again while I'm still sitting on the ladder.

"Kenneth, we need to take a break for today"

I said as I wipe my hands on a piece of cloth.

"Sure?" he asked as he walk towards the ladder and about to wear his shirt.

"Do you want me to starve into death?" I asked him.

"Well not really" he replied.

I started to get down by slowly lowering my right foot onto the ladder.

"Oh my! That's why I hate using this kind of ladder" I suddenly said.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Uh, Kenneth would you mind to help me get down here?"

"Okay.." he answered.

He went infront of the ladder and ready to help me get down, but I slowly step down, my other foot stuck up on the next step the reason for me to stumble down.

Luckily, Kenneth suddenly catches me.

"What the heck did you do?"

he asked.

"I don't know! Just get me out of here!" I panicked.

He pulled me out of the ladder step and we both fell down on the ground.

"Ouch~!" I cried.

He suddenly approach me and lift me up.

"What happened? Are you hurt?"


"Where? Let me see" he said.

I showed him my scratched knee.

"Oh, this wound will be fine"

he added.

We both look at each other, then he smiled at me and wipe my cheeks after I cried a bit.

"You're really cute, mostly when you got scratched"

"Shut up~" I said.

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