Chapter 20

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The 3 of us stayed on a plaza park near the restaurant.

Kenneth kept on wiping my nose softly.

"You shouldn't have joined the fight.." Kenneth whispered at me.

"I can't let Abelia face it alone, and infact.. Abelia's rights are needed to be defended" I answered back.

Kenneth stared at me.

"Did you already forgave her?"

"After what she had done to you?"

he asked.

I sighed and look at him.

"Its easy to forgive, but its hard to forget... I've never forgotten what she and Hyson just did to me, but If I didn't forgive her then there won't be space for your love.." I replied sincerely.

Smile from his face are slowly showing up.

" here..." I added as I point to my heart.

"Syrene, are you saying that---"

I suddenly kissed him on his lips.

Then, we look at each other and smiled.

"I already love you, Kenneth.. and I've given you a chance to take care of me" I said.

He happily hug me very tight.

I missed this kind of feeling and warmth of such a beautiful affection.

"You should approach her" he said while looking at Abelia's place.

I stand up and went to Abelia who's seating on a bench.


She look at me and I saw on her eyes that she's still worried.

"I'm sorry about what happened to you earlier" she told me.

"It's okay, well it happened already"

I said.

"You shouldn't have helped me, its my business" she said.

"That's what I'm thinking earlier, but when I saw you not fighting back.. I told myself that maybe I could help you a bit" I said.

"Thanks" she replied.

I stare at her.

"I never thought that a stubborn girl like you could be weak like that, and thank back someone using your over-protected pride" I teased her.

She just chuckled.

Why isn't she fighting back my insulting words? Is she changing her life already?

I pushed her hardly, but she just look at me.

"Aren't you going to fight me back?"

I asked her.

"Syrene.. I'm tired of hurting someone and be hurt by someone" she said.

"Then, maybe we could try it for the last time" I convinced her.

She laughs, then I got shock when she suddenly stand up and holds my hair. We started on fighting each other and we rolled on the ground.

"You want this?!" she yelled.

"I won't get beaten by you!" I said.

We just heard Kenneth shouting.

"What's happening on both of you?!" he asked.

"Stay away from us!" I said.

"This is our business!" Abelia added.

When we both got scratches and our pain overcomes, we both decided to stop. That's when Kenneth came to me and protect me from Abelia.

"What's wrong with you, Abelia?!"

he yelled at her.

Both Abelia and I started to laugh happily that made Kenneth very curious.

"You don't need to blame her, its my fault" I said.

"What?" Kenneth asked.

"Syrene started it.. She wanted to have the last fight between us" Abelia said.

Kenneth look at me and he's giving me the kind of look like 'What-the-heck-is-happening?'

"Don't be ridiculous, Kenneth.. I'm fine" I told him.

"I should be going now, thanks for the time and for the last fight" Abelia said.

I approach her and we both hug each other.

"I'm sorry for everything, Syrene" she whispered at my ears.

"I forgave you already" I replied.

After what happened, I felt so much relief and I can sleep comfortably tonight. Maybe not that comfortable because of the pain after 2 fight rounds I had been.

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