Chapter 8

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*Syrene POV*

[DAY 2]

A beautiful day and the sunshine went across to my window.

Love suddenly jump onto my bed and charm at me.

"Love, did you had your breakfast already?" I asked her.

She just bark at me, then went down from the bed. I look at my window and decided to open the curtains.

I remembered about Kenneth's confessions yesterday night, he must be really serious.

My maid suddenly called me.

"Miss, do you want to take your breakfast on bed?"

"Oh, I'll go down"

I told her as take my bathing towel.

"I prepared Tiramisu for your breakfast" she added.

"Thank you"

I replied as I enter my bathroom.

7㏂, I went down on the dining area and saw my breakfast on the table. Then I sat down on the chair and started to eat my breakfast. I look at Love which is having her breakfast also near me.

"Miss..." my maid sudddenly said.

I look at her.

"Oh why?"

"May I have my one month vacation?" she asked.

I remembered her spending her time with my dog when I was in Canada, 4 years ago.

"Sure, but I think one month is not enough" I said.

She smiled at me happily.

"You can have your vacation for 4 months, is it okay?"

"Better.. Thank you, Miss Syrene"

she said.

"Will you leave now?" I asked her.

"If it's okay for you" she replied.

"Then, I let you go now.." I said.

She kept on thanking me so much.

After few minutes, she went down from her room while I'm reading some magazines.

"Uhm, Miss... I'll be going now"

she said.

"Oh, okay.. wait!"

I said as I stand up and give her something. She look at it curiously.

"What's this, Miss?" she asked.

"This is your payment for almost 4 years of your work when I'm not here"

"But, I just took care of a dog"

she said.

"Dog or me, you still took care and give love onto them.. You deserve this, and keep it" I said.

Her tears flow down a bit, I think she was touched.

"Enjoy your vacation, don't worry if you want to come back here late then do it, but you really need to be back, okay?" I added.

"Yes, Miss..." she replied.

I watch her about to go out of the gate, but before she leave...



"Even though you change your way of life because you wanted revenge, your kindness is still there" she said.

What she just said made me more comfortable to be me.

"I know, thank you"

She smiled and went out of the gate.

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