Chapter 13

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*Abelia POV*

I'm so tired on wanting and waiting for Hyson's love but he seems to be not caring on me. I know that I won on making him mine, but I failed to get his heart and love me back.

When would I find someone that can love me back? I thirst for other people's love and acceptance. Hyson just did to me what he did to Syrene before, he's really a jerk! Now I know the reason why Syrene's getting revenge, not only to me but mostly to Hyson. Because of what happened yesterday night with me and Hyson, I think I shouldn't be living anymore.

"Miss, why are you being alone?" someone suddenly asked me.

Oh, I remember that I came on the club to let myself be drunk since I'm broken-hearted already.

As I look at the guy, everything was blurred.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Nothing.. Do you want to dance?"

"Hm? Dance?"

"I don't dance on that damn dancefloor!" I added.

I slowly stand up but I was about to stumble that's why the guy catched me. And after that, I don't know what happened anymore.

An hour passed, I woke up and I'm staying on a closed room. It's like a private room, and as I look on my body I was fine. No one raped me or intentionally had a sex with me even I'm drunk.

Okay! I'm fine.. But, I suddenly heard noises outside of the room so I decided to check on it. I went out of the room, and I'm still on the club.

As I go out, some girls that kept on having fun suddenly hitted me.

"Ah! Hey!" the other girl said.

I just look at her and ignore them, but she pulled me back.

"You're not going to apologize?!"

she asked me.

"No, you're the one who hit me" I said.

"Excuse me?! Maybe you're the one who did hit me!"

I ignore her again, and decided to walk away. But she followed me and suddenly slap me.

"You freak, you should've apologize!" she added.

I just got freeze after she did that, then they left me. I went to the bartending area and sit for awhile.

I started to weep silently, why is it that everybody hates me?

No one loves me, my family was seperated. My mom died when I was young, my dad decided to left us and had his new family. My brother went away and I heard from his friends that he committed a suicide when he was on America. I'm the only one here, searching for love and acceptance from other people.

"Miss, do you want something to drink?" the bartender asked.

"Can I have a bottle of stratofortress?" I asked.

"Yes, but we don't completely give it on a bottle.. I insist you to drink it by shots only" he said.

"Fine, give it to me quickly!" I said.

He get it as fast as he could, then I waited for it.

Time passed by again, and I got drunk--again! I stood up and started to dance on the middle, then I felt someone touching my body.

When I look at it, I saw a guy which I blurredly see. I embrace the guy, and I thought were just dancing but he suddenly kissed the part of my neck.

I let him go, but he pulled me again and started on molesting me.

"Let go of me!" I shouted.

"Why would I? You like this, right?" the guy asked.

I forcely pushed him away and slap him.

The others started to look at us.

"Stay away from me!"

I shouted at the guy.

I got shock when he suddenly pulled me away from the crowd.

"Wait, why are you pulling her away?" a girl asked the guy.

"Don't join here, she's my girlfriend! So back off!" the guy answered as he continue to pull me away.

"What?! I'm not your girlfriend, you sack of crap!" I shouted.

"Shut up, you bitch!" the guy said.

I really got mad and pushed him, then started to hit him.

He suddenly slap me back and this son of a bitch dares to hurt me. He punch me on my stomach that made me fall on the floor.


I gasp as I touch my stomach.

"If I want you, you're mine!"

he added.

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