Chapter 21

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*Kenneth's POV*

Abelia had left us, then Syrene turn around and smile at me.

I just sighed and walk away slowly.

She run and hold my arms.

"Kenneth, what's wrong?" she asked.

"I'm just tired..." I said.

She stopped me on walking continously.

"Kenneth, tell me what's wrong"

I stare at her, and she embraces me on my waist.

"You're letting yourself to be hurt by others and it hurts me a lot.."

I replied.

"The fight we did earlier is the last.. We decided to be friends" she said.

"I don't know why you're trusting that woman... she fooled you" I said.

"I know, but she only have done that because of Hyson, because of her love for Hyson" she explained.

"Syrene, just be sure of what you're deciding about okay?" I said.

She just stare at me while smiling sweetly.

"I don't want you to be hurt again"

I added.

"Of course.. Thank you"

Syrene replied.

We both continued on walking going back to my car...

While I'm driving, she asked me to go on a drive thru...

"I want some hot chocolate"

she pleaded.

"Sure, please wait for 3 minutes"

he cashier said.

We waited a bit, then I look at Syrene.

"Both of you are crazy earlier"

I told her.

She just laughed happily.

"I feel so good since it'll be the time for us to be friends" she said.

I just smiled, then I remember Hyson.

"What about Hyson?"

Syrene just sighed, then our order came. And I drive again, sending her home.

"Thanks for the treat, Kenneth" she said.

"Its okay, you should take your rest now"

I replied.

Before she enter her house, she went back to me.

"I have an art exhibit tomorrow, can you come?" she asked.

"I'll try"

"Don't just try.. please" she said.

I smiled and kiss her, then she smiled back.

"I want to see you there" she added.

"Okay, I'll come" I replied.

We both hug each other and she went inside her house.

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