Chapter 25

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*Elexis POV*

I send her back to his condo unit, after going down from my car, I heard nothing from her. No goodbyes and sweet smiles, she just walk away continuously going inside of her door.

I steady myself for a moment and thought about what happened.

Why am I so scared? Why am I scared to love someone else? I'm so coward!

I hit the car very hard, and ride on it.

[DAY 5]

My phone suddenly rings that made me surprisingly awake.

"Hello, Elexis here..."

"Bro, are you free today?"

Kenneth asked.

"Why? I'm not sure, I'll check my schedules" I replied.

"It's Vin's birthday today, don't you remember?" he asked.

"Oh, sorry.. I forgot, so what's the plan?"

"We will be celebrating it tonight.. At the favorite club of Vin, okay?"

"Okay, I'll be there tonight" I replied.

"Good, and bring one girl.. if you can"

he added.

"Why would I even do that?"

"Just bring one.. I'll be bringing Syrene with me" he said.

"I'll bring Hannah" I joked.

"Hannah would be fine too" he replied.

"Stupid, okay.. I'll hang up now" I said.

We both hang up, then I seat on my bed while massaging a bit of my face to waken up my face muscles.


*Syrene's POV*

I went to my art coliseum a bit early to look for some beautiful paintings for a gift to Vin tonight.

And I chose the painting of a mother and child.

"Hello there, Miss Syrene.." my secretary greeted me.

"Hi.. You're very early" I told him.

"Oh, as always.. I don't want to be late"

"Anyways, what are you going to do with that painting?" he added.

"I'm giving this to a friend as a gift later" I replied.

"Nice pick" he praised.

I just smiled, then I gave it to him.

"Please wrap this up as a gift, then send it to my house later, okay?"

"Yes, Miss.." he said as he walk away.

I went out of my coliseum, then saw Hyson waiting outside.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

He look at me and hurriedly approaches me.

"Syrene.. I came here to see you" he said.

I walk away from him, and I tried to avoid him.

"Why do you still have the guts to show up on me?" I asked him seriously.

"I missed you so much.. please, forgive me" he said.

"Forgive you? Do you think that you deserved to be forgiven just like that?"

"I know that I hurted you many times and I also felt the same pain" he said.

"No! You didn't! Don't pretend that you also felt the same because you didn't!"

I said.

He hurriedly beg infront of me while kneeling down, then many people started on staring at us.

"Please, Syrene..." he cried.

"Stand up there, you're making me shameful" I told him.


I kick him away that made him fall down from the small stairs, and I heard the people watching grasped.

"Stay away from me, you slut!" I yelled at him as I walk away.

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