Chapter 27

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*Elexis POV*

"First shot! First shot!" they cheered.

I can't drink this.. I really can't because I might be get stupid again.

"Go Elexis!" Vin added.

I straightly drink it and I heard some cheer from them. It was really loud.

"Do the 2nd shot so it will be done already" Vin said.

I did what he said, then more cheer came up onto my ears.

"Thank you for your cooperation, bro" Kenneth told him.

"Its okay.." I said.

We all sat down on the sofa.

"I thought you'll bring Hannah tonight" Kenneth suddenly said.

"I'm not serious when I said that earlier" I replied.

"Maybe you should have a girlfriend, right now" Vin said.

"If you had a girlfriend then I'll be following you" I told him.

A waitress came and offers a drink, so I took some juice.

"You're really like a girl, Elexis.." Vin said.


"Look at Syrene, she's drinking martini.. while you, you're just going to have some juice?" Vin added.

They laugh at me. As always, they're teasing me. And I just ignore them.

I suddenly saw Kenneth kissing Syrene on the cheeks, and they're both happy with each other.

"Bro, I and Elexis will just go to the dancefloor" I heard Vin .

"Sure, just enjoy" Kenneth said.

"I'm not dancing" I told him.

"We will not dance, I'm going to find some girls for us" Vin said.

"Goodluck, Elexis" Syrene added.

I followed Vin and we got onto the middle of the dancefloor.

"I thought you said that we're not going to dance, then why are we here?" I asked him.

"Look at the girl over there.." Vin said as he point to the girl which is wearing a sexy hot pink dress.

"Who is she?" I asked Vin.

"Of course I don't know who could she be, that's why you're the one who should know her" he said.

"Why me? Vin, I'm not used to talk with girls mostly on bars" I said.

"Just try it... Go on, remember its my birthday" he convinced me.

I walk away from him going towards the woman she's talking about.

"Hi.." I greeted the girl.

She look at me and smiled.


"Uhmm... I'm Elexis" I said.

This is awful...

"Oh, hi... I'm Shaye, its nice to meet you, Elexis" she said.

I just smiled...continuously because I don't know what to do or to say.


"You're a good-looking guy" Shaye said.

"Well, thank you..." I said.

"...You're pretty too" I added.

She just smiled, then I decided to order some drinks.

"So, are you...?"

"I'm a businessman, of a famous company" I said.

"A businessman? What a nice job" she said.

"How about you?"

"I'm a fashion designer" she said.

"Good one.." I replied as I drink.

After I drink, she suddenly grab me and wanted to kiss me but I hurriedly push her away from me.

"What are you doing?" I asked her shockingly.

"Every guy wanted me to do that, but why you?" she asked.

"Well, I'm not the guy you were thinking..." I replied.

She was about to do it again but I walk away a bit.

"Stop it! You're freaking crazy" I told her madly.

"Uh! I hate guys that are choosy..." she said.

What the heck? She's shameless!

"I'm not choosy, its just that I don't play with flirty girls" I insulted her.

"Liar, then why did you approach me for the first time if my body was not your purpose? You're uncool" she said.

"...Sorry, but I hate flirty girls and at the same time I hate them for being dirty at night" I replied back.

I walk away and Shaye was like being madly insulted.

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