Chapter 19

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*Syrene's POV*

"Sorry if I made you wait"

I told Kenneth.

"No, its okay.." he replied.

I seated down on my chair.

"Kenneth.." I said.

He looked at me and smile.

"Abelia's here, I met her at the washroom earlier" I added.

"What did you do?" he asked.

"We just talked and asked each other if were both fine...something like that"

"That's a relief.. You should keep that in mind" he replied.

I scoffs and asked back..

"About what?"

"When seeing your mortal enemy coincidently on some kind of nice places, you should always be prepared but you don't need to approach first" he replied.

I just smile at him and we started to have our dinner.

While having our dinner, we suddenly heard some metal and glass crash from far behind.

"What was that?" Kenneth asked as he look behind me.

I turn around and had a look on what just happened.

"Isn't that Abelia?" Kenneth asked.

"I think its her" I replied.

I look back at Kenneth and we continued on eating.

I look at Kenneth and he don't care about Abelia, but why me?

I can't continue on eating, I think I need to help Abelia.

"Why aren't you eating?" he asked me.

"Oh, no.. I'm eating" I said pretendedly.

He smiled and he continued again.

We heard someone yelling on the place where there's an accident happened.


He looked at me..

"I need to help her" I added.

"But, you hated her right?" he replied.

"Maybe, I could change everything between Abelia and I" I said.

I stood up and approach the quarrel happening on the other table.

When I got near, I heard a woman insulting Abelia..

"You piece of trash! Don't you know how to apologize?!"

"I'm sorry, its just an accident..." Abelia replied.

"Sorry is not enough! Don't you know how much is this clothing?"

"It's much worthy than your life, you whore!" the woman added.

She suddenly slap Abelia.

Why isn't Abelia fighting back?

I thought she's strong!

"Hey, coward freak!" the woman called her.

And this stupid restaurant doesn't even have someone to stop their costumers on fighting.

"I already said sorry, why can't you accept it?" Abelia answered back.

"Kneel down!" the woman said.

Everyone gasped because of what the woman just told Abelia to do.

"No! I won't kneel down infront of you, you're not my God, you bitch!" yelled Abelia.

The woman got more mad and she took her bag to aim for hitting Abelia, but I hurriedly went infront of her and I was the one who got hit by the bag.

"Syrene.." Abelia said.

"What a crazy shit! Why are you joining?!" the woman yelled at me.

Kenneth suddenly came and holds me.

"Your nose is bleeding" Abelia said.

I wipe my nose and there's blood, then I look at the woman and stand up.

"Is that what you can do?!" I yelled at her.

She got shock and became speechless.

"You want money?" I added.

"Syrene, enough" Kenneth said as he holds me on my shoulders.

"It's your stupid fault.." the woman told me.

I took my bag from Kenneth and took ₩50,000 cash, then I slap it onto the woman's face.

"Oh my God" the words that she just said.

"That's your money, asshole!" I told her.

I left her, then Kenneth and Abelia followed me.

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