Chapter 9

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*^▁^* I dedicate this part to my newest bestfriend "Joyces Regner" and to those readers who kept on enjoying this story! Please continue to support me! ★★★★★

Fighting! 아자!

Okay, now that I'm alone.. what will I do?

I remembered to visit my Art Coliseum which I built using my wealth since I love to do painting, sketching, photography, and everything that is related to art.

I wore my art-made uniform which is my sports-bra and the paint stamped whole body jumper.

I'm comfortable even though other people see my clothes like that, well its art.

I arrived at my art coliseum and there are kids, parents, and teenagers visiting and enjoying my artworks.

My secretary suddenly saw me and hurriedly run to welcome me.

"Miss Syrene! The goddess of art works' beauty.. when did you arrived?" he asked.

Actually my secretary is a guy, or should I say gay..

"Oh come on.. you shouldn't do that kind of welcoming" I said.

"I just felt excitement.. wait, what kind of magic changed you? Your body"

"I never thought you'll notice that one.. I know that you dislike looking at sexy girls' body because its gross for you" I said.

"Miss Syrene, you're right.. but yours are really astonishing! Perfect imprintation of art, nude but excellent" he said while chuckling.

"Oh! Why did you visit anyway?"

he added.

"I would like to do an another masterpiece of painting" I said.

"Today? But, today is the schedule of visitation days.." he said.

"Its okay, I'll be using the outside unpainted walls for my work"

"Really? But, its very large for you to do it alone.."

"Of course I won't do it within the hours of today, I'm planning to do it for almost 2 weeks only" I replied.

He nods and asked..

"What kind of concept are you thinking?"

"The concept is me.." I said.

"Seriously?" he asked.

"Yes, since I'm back from the past.. I'll paint the present me" I said.

"So, send some of the paints.. different kinds of colors, and different styles of paintbrushes, big! Big paintbrushes okay?" I added.

"Got it, Miss" he said.

"And of course, a ladder" I said.

My secretary hurriedly obey what I asked him.

After few hours, my place is prepared already for my art work.

"Hmm.. I should paint someone else"

I told myself.

I remembered to call Kenneth, he might get me some help from his friends.

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