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I didn't know where to go. I was clueless. But I needed to get out this rain. The only place I knew that had shelter was a public park close by. But it's to many houses beside it, I don't want to give the elderly a bit of a shock.

So I ran to the woods.

Why did I run to the woods?

Would you believe me if I heard something told me to?

I felt it. Heard it. It was something pulling me there. I just went with it.

April  11th, 11:25pm

My feet was killing me. I was confused as to why I even listened to the voices anyway. But I just did? It's to late to turn back now, I'm already here.

Further Further it whispered. I listened. Moving quickly so people wouldn't see me. Faster, hurry it basically shouted. I ran as fast as I could. Trying not to hit any trees or branches. But that was a big fail. I ran smack into a branch that hung low.

I fell back on my butt. Face throbbing as it turned red. I was getting angry. This was impossible. I'm going freaking crazy. Why am I even listening to the voices or the gut feeling? It's only going to get me killed. Before I could pull myself together, my body started shaking.

It was painfull. I felt my teeth sharpen, nails also, legs caving. This is the same thing that happened before mom came in.

I saw red.

"Hey Hey Hey easy, Easy" A boy that came out from no where said. Arms out as he tried to reason with me. "Leave. Please leave" I groaned. "Listen to me-" "Run away. Please I don't want to hurt you" I tried to warn him. "Look. I understand what's happening okay. Just listen to me" His voice was soft, deep and warm.

It calmed me.

"I'm here to help you okay" I began to twitch. The pain leaving my body. My teeth going back to normal. "W-Whats wrong with me" I whimpered. He came closer. "It's okay... I got you.. You'll be fine" He pulled me into his chest. I wanted to cry, but everytime my eyes would pool with water the transition would start all over again.

Like what ever is happening to me, it's controlled by my emotions. "Here" He pulled away, handing me some clothes and training shoes. I thank him, quickly pulling on the clothes. "U-Uh... Do you know why I'm here" I asked him. He smiled, it was boxy, very adorable. "That was me" He started to walk.

Confused, I followed behind him. What did he mean? I thought. That was soon answered. "I'm something just like you.... But more powerful. I was in your mind, guiding you to your fate. Which is close by" He said. I was even more confused. So I took a shot at asking. "Well what am I" I asked him.

He said nothing.

Only slightly turning to look at me with a sly smirk. "You'll find out, soon" The male chuckled. "I'm Taehyung by the way" He said suddenly.

We walked for what seemed like hours. I really thought that this dude was joking with me. He just was stalling so that he could rape and kill me maybe.... But he didn't seem so bad. But my guard was up...

All the way up.

"Here we are" He suddenly stopped. I looked over him to see a big house in the middle of the woods. "Look if you want to kill me you should have done it already. Your doing me a favor" I said. He chuckled before knocking on the door. "I'm not going to kill you" Is all he said before the door swung open.

A tall guy with brown hair stood in the middle of the door way. Looking at the male before looking at me. His gaze harding. "Who is this" He spoke. "This is Yoongi, kook" Taehyung said. "W-Wait!! I didn't tell you my-" "Step aside. Boss has to see this" Taehyung interrupted me. The door was opened wider before the 'kook' guy stepped aside.

I followed taehyung in, still feeling the hard stare as I walked pass. We walked through the house before stopping at a door. "Just be quite and follow me" Taehyung whispered. Before I could say anything, the door was shoved open.

"Sir... There is someone I need to talk to you about"


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