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Everyone remained patient while jimin and the other pack members was away. They took there minds off what may cause a war by doing little things that really did help.

Yoongi was happily chatting away with jungkook as he learned how to shoot properly in the gun range. He totally forgot that jimin was deep in the woods trying to stop what could turn into a war by tomorrow. It was just easy to forget when jungkook knew how to keep your mind off things.

The door slammed open, jimin and the others returning along with the other pack. This alerted everyone. The knee smells grabbing there attentions as their ears pointed up and eyes dart to the door.

"Pack Meeting" jimin shouts immediately, leading the way to their designated meeting area. Jin immediately grabbed a napkin, placing five or six cookies inside before wrapping them up and putting them into his pocket.

He smelt the newest scent from the kitchen and that meant strangers. He may be calm, but someone wouldn't be during this meeting. And his cookies always eased everyone's nerves. He just hoped he baked enough this time.

Yoongi and Jungkook pushes there way to the front, Yoongis eyes quickly looking over the alpha leader who was female and was standing a little to close to his jiminie.

"What's this boss" sunmi asked, sitting down at one end of the couch. "These are the rouges that has been causing problems around here. But we have talked everything out and got a clearer understanding as to why they have been doing this" jimin said.

"Well...." someone edges on. "They aren't with a pack meaning they are outside. They made camp on the other side of the bank and have been surviving off tiny squirrels and birds. You all can see that the winter is coming which means it's hibernating season" namjoon sighed. He already knew what this meant.

"Until then, they will be staying with us until the winter is over and they have a plan on where to stay that's safe" everyone gasped, muttering complaints That's didn't go unnoticed by the alpha leader.

"Did you forget about them taking our food?" "Staring At us while we sleep?" "Cutting off our water" "yes yes yes I hear you all. I understand what they have been doing and they did go to far. But the alpha leader didn't know such things was going on that's why it wasn't stopped sooner. And I assure you she have a punishment in mind" jimin nods.

"She?" Sunmi asked, all eyes now going to the only girl standing beside jimin. "I am Yuri and I am the leader of this pack" she bows deeply. "That's why they have been messing with us!! They aren't afraid of this little girl. Who gave you the title of head alpha anyways" wonho laughed loudly. "Wonho" jimin warned. He immediately backed down, quickly saying sorry as he disappeared into the crowd.

"Trust me she is the toughest female alpha I have ever came across. She had lead this pack greatly, made sure they ate and had plenty to drink. Made sure they was well rested before even thinking about herself. It takes a leader to lead 30 wolves" yuri smiled, looking up at the alpha. "Thanks jimin" she says softly, touching jimins arm.

Yoongis eyes stared at the hand with a raised eyebrow. He takes a deep breath, brushing it off before sitting next to sunmi who wrapped a arm around his shoulder. "We will get along. We'll raise together, hunt together, eat together, and sleep at the same time together. If there be any conflicting you are to come to me or any of the other head alphas to get it figured our the right way. You treat yuri's pack as if you teach your pack cause for right now, there are one of us" jimin says, looking at everyone with the most serious face.

"I promise we will try not to step on anybody's toes. We'll try to blind in as if we've been her the whole time. And let me just say thank you to you all.... and jimin.... he had us a home. Not to many male alphas has been kind enough to do so. Not so many are as sweet and strong... as your alpha leader as well" yuri was staring at jimin with something in her eyes and a smile on her face.

Yoongis eyes narrowed as a growl left his throat. Jimins eyes flickered to his. "Calm down" his wolf tells yoongi through their mate link. "Handle the bitch, then maybe I will" "Don't get jealous. You know I'm all yours" Yoongi smiled a little, crossing his arms as he sat back, staring at the alpha. Jimin smiled as well.

"So what do we do know boss?" Some one says. You go back to your regular day. Don't be afraid to try and get to know some of the members as well, make them feel as welcome as the day I did the same for you. Cause we are three hundred body's..." "But one family" everyone shouted before getting dismissed.

Jimin headed to the stairs but was stopped by yuri who looked down shyly. "I don't know what I'm suppose to do" she says. "We can start planning" jimin suggested. She smiled before following him upstairs.

Yoongis eyes watched, jealousy flashing in his eyes. He waited a couple minutes before also going upstairs and towards jimins office. The door was closed, like always, but he took a deep breath before pushing the door open.

Jimin was standing in front of his book shelf, pulling a map from off it while yuri sat in front of his desk. Jimin turned to look at him, smile spreading on his face. "Hey yoongi" he says, sitting down in his office chair. "O-Oh... I didn't know s-she was here!! I'll come back later" he faked his stupidity, turning around to 'leave' only to be stopped by jimins voice.

"No it's fine. We was going to discuss where her pack can go when they leave" he says. Yoongi turned around. "Oh..." yoongi sighed, walking over to the chair beside yuri but never sat down.

He stared at the chair with a fake pout. "Boy this... chair really seems uncomfortable" he voiced out loud in the most dramatic voice they have ever heard.

"I assure you the chairs are actually comfy" yuri smiled. "Chairs have always been uncomfortable to me on most days... like today" he says the last part slowly, glancing over his shoulder at jimin who stared at him with an amused smile.

"Wanna sit on my lap baby" jimin said all to knowingly. "I mean if I have to" yoongi sighed, looking away. "Oh I insist" jimin says, entertaining the omegas games. Sitting back in his chair. "Well since you insist" yoongi says, marching over to his boyfriend before taking his rightful spot; on jimins lap.

"You two together" yuri asked. Jimin smiled while yoongi smirked. "Yes we are. Yoongis my mate" jimin says proudly. Yoongi didn't answer however, tilting his head up to peck at the alphas skin that covered his neck.

"You two are cute" she giggled. "We try to be" yoongi glanced at the girl. Holding back a smirk since he knew he won.

That's right bitch, back off this alpha... he's all mine...

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