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Yoongis p.o.v

I woke up with a killer headache. I guess that's what happen when you cry yourself to sleep. I got some painkillers from my medicine cabinet and took it, drinking from the water bottle beside my bed. I sighed, rubbing my tired puffy eyes with a groan.

I looked out the window to see that it was night time already, my ears flattened on my head as I poured. I hope no ones sleep. I left my room, listening for anyone but I was only met with silence. Everyone's asleep, I already know it. The pack house is never quite.

I groaned, walking downstairs then to the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator, grabbing some fruit and juice. I grabbed a bowl, putting mix fruit inside then poured some juice before sitting down at the kitchen island. I stared at nothing, slowly eating my dinner as my mind just went blank.

Behind me, I heard someone clear there throat. I jumped, turning around with wide eyes only to lock with the eyes of jimins. He stood there, face black but his eyes showed so much emotion. My hands started to tremble beside me. The unbearable need to run to him and smell his scent filled my body. I couldn't take it. I grabbed my bowl and cup before standing up, getting ready to leave the kitchen only for him to stop me by gently yet sternly grabbing my arm.

My heart went wild in my chest, my wolf howling inside me. I needed to get out of here!! "We need to talk" jimin says, eyes never looking down at me. "There's nothing to talk about. Your my mate and don't want me I get it. Now please let me go" I whimpered, tail tightening around my waist.

Jimin sighed, bowing his head before looking at me. "I never said that I didn't want you, yoongi" he slowly says. It went quite. I wasn't going to speak to him. I wasn't going to talk about anything they'll have me crying all over again. If he didn't want me, then why won't he just leave me alone?

I didn't know I was moving until I was gently pushed down in a chair, jimin sitting beside me. "I'm just confused. Well I was confused. I use to have a mate, years back but.... h-he died because of a gang. A rival gang at that. Shot him right in front of me as torture. I felt so empty since then but then you came along and all this started happening then bam.... I have a new mate. I don't know what to do but I hate seeing or hearing you cry. I don't want you to feel unwanted cause I want you yoongi, I really do. My wolf craves your presence, your sent, you. And to be honest, so do I" my eyes widened, looking up at him with a faint blush on my face.

"I don't want you to cry because of me anymore. I'm your alpha, your mate. I'm here to protect you always. Please give me another chance to make it up to you" I pouted, looking at him. "Promise your gonna love me" I asked, playing with my fingers. "With all my heart" jimin answers. "And give me attention and I mean high class attention. The best type of attention" I continued. Jimin chuckled, lifting my head to look up at him. "It's all yours. I wouldn't want to give it to anyone else, baby" he smiles warmly. "A-And you promise to give me all the cuddles in the world" "I would love that. I haven't cuddled in a long time" he smiled, I returned it with my famous gummy smile before lunching forward, hugging him tightly.

His sent covered me and I loved it. He was so warm, makes so sweet, felt so soft. I really want to cuddle him right now.

"Can we cuddle now" I whispered in his ear, causing him to laugh before he stood up and lifted me in his arms. "Cuddles coming up" he says before carrying me out the kitchen.

Sorry that it was short. This is a little soft ya know!! Nonproof read cause that's what I'm best at☺️☺️

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