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May 13, 8:19pm

"Guys. Living room. Now" Jimin shouts making me jump. "Do you have to yell" I hiss. "If I don't then how would they hear me" He turned to me. I shrugged. He only smiles before ruffling my hair and walking into the living room.

I huffed, fixing my hair before following. "Sunmi is still working on getting back the files. Can we still go on without her" A girl said once I walked in. "Yes. Anyways we have the password to Mr. Kangs computer" Jimin said making everyone clap. "How" Jin hyung asked. "Susie, his daughter gave it to me secretly because their being watched so they can't speak on it" I said, giving the napkin to jimin.

"Okay Niko. Unlock the computer and see if you can find something" Jimin gave Niko noona the napkin and watched her walk away. "Anyways. Does this mean he's apart of the pack" Someone said. "Yes. He have proven his loyalty to the pack" They cheered for me while I smiled. "Welcome home, Yoong's" Taehyung said shaking me.

"Should I give him the mark" Wonho asked. Mark? What mark? I didn't sign up for a mark? I mentally freaked out. "No" Jimin looked at me and smirked. "I'd like to do this one personally" He finished, making me shiver. Everyone Ouu'd while I sat there confused. "Man your lucky" Someone said. "Come on yoongi" Jimin said walking to me. "What mark" I finally asked. He raised his hand, turning it to show me the tattoo.

I analyzed the ink

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I analyzed the ink. It was simple but unique. "Wait tae tae hyung have that same tattoo" I beamed making everyone laugh. "Come doll. Lets get this mark on that beautiful pale skin of yours" Jimin smiles softly, grabbing my hand and dragging me behind him. I turned to taehyung to see him making kissy faces before he wasn't in sight anymore. "Would it hurt" I ask.

He laugh once we entered a dark room. He pulled me inside, closing the door and turning on the light. It was a red room but looked like a room at a tattoo parlor. A black leathered chair sat in the middle where I'm suppose to lay in I guess. Another chair sat next to it, a metal table was also next to it. "Okay. Lay down and we'll get started" Jimin said, pulling on blue rubber gloves with a smirk.

"But you didn't answer my question" I turned to him. "Yes. It would hurt only if you think about it" He smiles. "But I always think about stuff like this" Jimin only shrugs. I sigh and do what I was told. "Am I getting it on my hand to" I asked him. "God you ask so many questions" He groaned sitting on the chair beside me.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled, feeling guilty. He shook his head before looking me in the eyes. "Omegas don't get it on there hand they get it on there neck. Alphas get it on there hands, beta get it on the side of there calf's" He explained shortly. I gulped. "Don't worry. You won't feel anything" He says running a hand through my hair.

He accidentally touch my ear making me purr. Catching what I did, I quickly stop. "What the hell" I asked, looking at him shocked. "You didn't think you would purr if I touched your ears did you" He smirked, making me turn beat red.

The sound of buzzing filled my ears making me go stiff. "We really don't know each other do we" Jimin started. "Not at all" I breathe, waiting for him to start. "Well, let's start off complicated. Why was you in the woods" He asked. I bit my bottom lip.

I need to let it out. "I turned while in my room. My mom came in and she saw how my room looked, freaked out and fainted. My dad heard and came in my room. He saw my room then my mom and kicked me out" I said.

"That's a buzz" Jimin scoffed. "I find that stupidly silly. Why would he do such a thing to his child" Jimin asked. I only shrugged.

"Dads always been hard on me. I guess he just.... I don't know hate me? Maybe" I shrugs. "That sucks really. Sorry that happened" Jimin tells me. "Yeah, and get this. When I went to the house to apologize and clear things up, they was gone. Just like that. Poof into thin air. Even my things was all gone. All my cloths, shoes, stuffies-"

"Stuffies?-" "Hush alpha, I'm not done" yoongi cuts him off and finish listing the things he was missing without even noticing his tattoo being halfway finished.

"Like oh my god that's gone to" I gasped, realizing that everything that I have ever owned was gone and in the clutches of my parents that didn't even like me. I frowned. "It'll be okay. We'll get you some more things" jimin shrugs.

It only made me sadder.

I felt lost without the things i had growing up surrounding me everytime i wake up or look at it. It was all gone with my parents and at the time, i didnt even know where they were.

But jimin reminded me that I am now apart of there family and that i should never hold back on talking to him about my problems. And i thank him for that. Who knew that the cold hearted boss would say something like that to me?!

I thought it was just the caring nature of being the boss and wanting everyone to be comfortable with him.

And i was right.

But wrong.

To him, it was much more.

And I was actually fine with that.

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