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April 16th, 7:00pm

"You know you don't need them, Yoongs.. They would never except your changes because they don't know what it's like to be in this situation" Taehyung said calmly, while handing the younger a cup of warm green tea to lift his spirits a little.

Once taehyung found out about the stunt yoongi's parents pulled, he immediately started to comfort him. He wanted Yoongi to feel comfortable. He wanted Yoongi to know that he is welcome here.

Where everyone is the same.

It was only taehyung, jungkook, Yoongi and this seokjin guy that was home. Everyone else had something to do. For some reason, that confused the younger. But he wasn't in the mood to ask those kind of questions just yet.

"You may be right. But my parents have always been loving. They always loved me. Even when I told them that I was-" He stopped himself. Shaking the idea out his head before taking a sip if his tea. "Told them what? Cmon don't leave out the good stuff" Taehyung edged, sitting next to Yoongi on his bed.

"Its fine. Don't worry about it" Yoongi said, drinking the warm drink some more. It really did make the pain a little numb. "Please tell me. I swear what you tell me would never leave this room" Taehyung whined.

Yoongi had a real soft spot for anything. He easily forgave people, easily helped people. He was a softy. So, he caved. Telling taehyung what he told his parents. "They excepted that I am gay" He said. It didn't take long for it to register in taehyungs mind.

Taehyung frowned, slouching a bit as he mumbled a quiet 'oh'. "What? You expected something else" Yoongi laughed. To be honest, he did. Being gay or bi is normal now 'N days. It wasn't a surprise that yoongi was gay. I mean he is pretty. Better looking then most girls he have seen.

He has feminine features. Maybe even a feminine body if he stopped wearing such baggy clothes.

"I mean yeah. That's kinda normal now 'n days. Plus, I expected it" Taehyung shrugged. This confused yoongi. He only looked forward towards the wall and slowly sipped his tea. "Besides, I'm gay to" Taehyung said, making yoongi choke on the tea. He didn't expect the confession to be so blunt.

He didn't even expect a confession like that.

Taehyung laughed while patting his back. "Don't die on me now, we just got you. Jimin wouldn't like that I broke you on the fifth day" Taehyung said. "W-Why-" He was cut off by another cough. "Why did you say it like that? Like....... So bluntly" Yoongi asked, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand which was covered with his sweater paws.

"I don't know. I guess I'm so use to saying it" Taehyung said with a shrug. "Well... Do you have a boyfriend" Yoongi asked. Taehyung looked at him with a smirk. "Why? You have a crush on me already" He asked, nudging the younger. "What? No. I was just asking gosh" Yoongi laughed, a small tint of pink brushed on his cheeks.

"Okay. Well then yeah... Me and uh.. Jungkook are dating" Once again yoongi started choking. "You really need to put the cup down for a while" Taehyung laughed, taking away the baby blue coffee mug and sitting on the bed side night stand.

"Jungkook? The guy who's always glaring at me ever since I came here" Yoongi asked. Taehyung sighed. "Yep. That's the love of my life" A small smile was placed on his lips. Yoongi saw the sparkle in his eyes as he thought about jungkook.

He was truly in love.

"I wish to be in love one day" Yoongi mumbled. This caught tae's attention. He placed a hand on the younger shoulder. Squeezing it lightly. "Don't worry. Fate stands by everyone" He said.

The door swings open. Standing there was an emotionless jungkook. "Everyone arrived. Boss called us all down stairs for a pack meeting" He said coldly. "Okay" Taehyung said standing. Yoongi followed but was stopped by jungkook. "Sorry, hun. No newbies" He smirked, closing the door in his face.

Yoongi knew she should have been mad or even aggravated by that but it only made him confused. Why was jungkook so cold to him?

How did yoongi manage to fuck up already to already have one person hating him?

"Yoongi" Someone called. Yoongi knew that was taehyungs voice. He talked to yoongi way to much for it not to be easily recognizable. The confused pale boy, slowly made his way out the room, walking to the stair case to stand over it where he got a clear view of all those who was in the living room.

"Come on. Your apart of this to" Taehyung said with a smile. The fire in jungkooks eyes was noticeable by the younger, but he paid no mind. He simply walked down the wooden, polished stairs and stood by taehyung. "Okay... First things first" The boss started.

Hello guys. I know some of you may be confused as to why the second oldest have been bumped down to the maknae of the group. Let me just say that I think that it will fit better. Since yoongi is suppose to still be in school. Don't worry jungkook is the second youngest. I hope I cleared that up. If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask me them. I swear I'll answer. Til next time friends😄😄

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