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Have you ever woken up from a nightmare that felt so real that there's no damn way that it was all a dream?

I have.

Multiple times.

Countless nights I woke up from terrible nightmares that always involved me dying.

I would wake up in cold sweat, a racing heart, and a bad headache.

Sometimes I'd be holding my stomach, the place where I'd always end up stabbed or shot in my dreams.

Relief would wash over me once I realize it was only a dream and that I don't have to be afraid.

But the dreams came every night.

It was to persistent that I couldn't fucking ignore it.

The dreams to me felt like they were trying to warn me of something that is to come in my future and that fucking terrified me.

It was something about this house that wasn't right.

Let's just say.... I had my doubts.

June 28th, 5:25am

It was quiet.

Strangely quiet.

I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror with ugly eye bags under my eyes and trembling hands.

That dream was horrific I thought, turning on the water facet and cupping my hands under it before splashing my face a couple times.

I kept telling myself that it was okay. I kept saying to just go back to sleep and cuddle with my mate. I bet he could take all this away.

But I couldn't.

Every nightmare I had, I'd wake up in this condition and would want to run in his arms and beg him to take it all away. But I'd always end up in this very bathroom trying to pull myself together.

I didn't know what to do.

With a heavy sigh, I decided to just go back to bed. I open the door and turn off the light only to see Jimin sitting up in bed, staring at me.

His eyes was shining gold as I stared into them with confusion. "J-Jimminie.... what's wrong" I asked softly, walking back to bed. "Are you okay" he asked worriedly. "Yes" I lied. We stared at each other in silence for what seemed like forever. I could tell he didn't believe me but that's the answer he was going to get until it became true.

I sighed, opening my mouth to say something only for it to be covered from behind and a gun to be pressed up to the side of my head.

Jimin jolted up, hands out as he stumbled over his words.

I whimpered, the gun being harshly pressed against my head while the man behind me growled for me to shut up.

"This omega got you weak!" The male's voice blared throughout the room. "The first one died but it made you stronger. Then you get another and turn weak?! Dumb alpha!! How many times do I have to take away the people you love the most in order to get it through that thick skull of yours" the pain was unbearable as he pulled the trigger.

Jimins voice faded in and out and so did my vision. My side poured out blood, making breathing painful and hard to do. The man stood in the corner with a grin as Jimin tried desperately to stop the bleeding.

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