Bill x reader

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Same lips red, same eyes blue. Same white shirt, couple more tattoos.

As you peddled towards the diner with your friends, a certain boy caught your eye. You glanced at Bill, who was sitting in a booth by the window with his friends. He had hardly changed, except for growing his hair a bit longer.

Tastes so sweet, looks so real. Sounds like something that I used to feel. But I can't touch what I see.

Everything you felt the night of your breakup- pain, nervous, scared- you felt right now. Your heat ached to laugh with Bill again. It would be so easy to just walk in the diner and tell him that you still love him. But he's with his friends, who make him happy, and seeing Bill happy slightly eased the pain.

We're not who we used to be. We're not who we used to be. We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me. Trying to remember how it feels to have a heart beat.

Bill's head perked up as he noticed you in the parking lot at the front of the diner. He almost smiled as if he was still in a relationship with you, but his racing heart beat reminded him that it was over. The two of you grew out of love, something teenagers shouldn't expect to last. Three months can change people a lot, and Bill feared that if he tried to talk to you, he wouldn't know you anymore.

Fridge light washes this room white. Moon dances over your good side. This was all we used to need.

A week after seeing Bill at the diner, you saw him again at a pool party you were invited too. It was less pool, more party, though. You walked into the basement with your friends, and headed towards the fridge to grab drinks for them.

Bill was sitting on a couch, next to Richie and Eddie. He watched as the light coming from the inside of the fridge provided an easier look at her, brightening the dimly lit basement. As you stood up, the small window that held the moon's light was beside you, casting a small glow onto the side of your face. Bill smiled, remembering the countless nights talking in the dark.

Tongue tied like you've never known. Telling those stories we already told. Cause we don't say what we really mean.

The group of people who were left at the party included your and Bill's friend groups, though a considerable amount from each had left. Everyone had grouped together towards the back of the room, and you were telling the story of when you almost got arrested for swimming in the river. Not many people knew, but Bill was with you on that night.

Bill watching you tell the story for what felt like the billionth time caused an invisible pressure to build up, which ended with you constantly tripping over your words. He tried to keep his laughing subtle as you finished the story, but you caught on and started laughing too.

All Bill could think about is the immense feeling of love that was trapped in his heart. He knew that you would never want to get back together, so he kept his mouth shut.

We're not who we used to be. We're not who we used to be. We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me.

As Bill got in Eddie's car to drive home, he saw you walk out of the house to leave, too. All night he was reminded of what they had, and he so desperately wanted it back. As Eddie turned on the car, you saw Bill staring at you and sent him a small smile. He felt himself blush and smile back, as if he were still watching his crush.

We're not who we used to be. We're not who we used to be. We're just two ghosts swimming in a glass half empty. Trying to remember how it feels to have a heart beat.

When Bill entered Richie's house for the night, he wanted to do something to take his mind off of you. Richie suggested getting drunk, and Bill would usually say no, but tonight, he said yes. For a while he laughed with Richie and Eddie, but eventually he just felt sad again. Sad was a reoccurring feeling in his life now, and he hated it. He hated trying to feel the way he did with you, happy and care free, but he couldn't with anyone else.

When you stepped inside your house, your tears flooded your face. It was so hard to pretend that you still didn't love Bill, but you do, so much. He brought you so much joy and fun, and now it was gone.

A/N: I couldn't resist I just love Harry Styles so much❤️ But comment or message me requests or ideas! Now that it's summer, I have way more time on my hands!

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