Origin Story

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Alright let's get the boring stuff out of the way. My name is Brooke Aubergine. I know, it's a mouthful but I can't change it. Anyways, I'm tiny. And when I say tiny I mean I'm 18 and I'm 5'5 and can't tip the scales soaking wet at 120 pounds. Yeah, super tiny. I work at a training gym. Not the gym where you run and lift weights but where some people come and practice fighting. We have knife throwing lessons, boxing, and some circus lessons. Wait, you must be thinking. What was that last one? You heard me.

 We teach people how to have balance on a tightrope and upper arm strength on the trapeze. It's actually not as derpy as it sounds. Let's see, what else? Oh, right. No parents, mom ran off when I was little and my dad did the same a couple years later. The owner of the gym, Victory, took me in and let me work around the gym in exchange for a small apartment above the gym. She didn't adopt me, she lost a child a while ago and she wasn't ready for that again. Now, onto looks. As you can see in the picture above, I have purple hair, blue eyes, and I'm pale. What the picture doesn't show is my cleverly disguised danger. It amuses me so much when some guys try and beat me up for being an "emo freak" and I whoop them. Now I don't go around beating people up just because, only if they deserve it or if we're sparring. Case in point, the day I met the Avengers.

"Victory, it happened again!" Victory groaned from behind the desk as I slid under it and slipped into my gym clothes; a purple sports bra, black shorts, and some tennis shoes. It was only as I popped out from behind the desk did I notice the people staring at me. I didn't really pay much attention since I had a couple angry guys on my trail. "They know where to find me!" I called over my shoulder as I darted into the gym. It didn't take long for my fan club to catch up.

"Look who it is boys. The freak." Aw, it was only three of them. I'd beaten every single one of them and I was hoping the had learned their lesson. Oh, well.

"Come on guys," I said in mock sadness "I literally ran the whole way here." They just laughed and ran at me. The first guy came at me with a punch aimed at my face. I dodged it, grabbed his arm, yanked it out of the socket, and tossed him halfway across the gym. The second one tried to tackle me so I just pushed him a little farther and giggled as he went headfirst into the wall. "Are you really going to do this?" I asked as the third guy sized me up warily. He shook his head quickly and dragged his friends out of the gym.

"Should I be concerned?" a voice called from the entrance of the gym.

"Unless you steal my snacks, no." I said sassily. I looked up and saw a sandy haired guy smiling and walking over to me. "Brooke Aubergine, " I said, sticking my hand out for the guy to shake "resident trouble maker and future assassin." He laughed and shook my hand

"Clint Barton, old timer trouble maker and actual assassin." I giggled and he stared at me in surprise. "You can wipe out three guys at once, and you giggle?"

"I've been told I'm strange."

"Don't let him fool you," another voice said from behind Clint "He's one of the strangest people you'll meet." A red haired woman smiled as Clint scowled at her.

"Brooke, this is Natasha. Also an assassin."

"Well don't I feel special," I muttered "may I ask why two assassins have decided to come chat with me?"

"Well the rest of the team wanted to talk to you too, but your friend said that if you felt threatened you would kick everyone's asses and we shouldn't scare you." I honestly love Victory so much.

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