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6 Years later

"Brooke, where's Peggy?!"

"YOU LOST HER?!" I stormed into Brooke's room and saw Pietro looking legitimately terrified.

"I swear she was here three seconds ago!" he exclaimed as I frantically looked through the room for my daughter.

"This would be so much easier if Bruce hadn't left to go help Thor with those infinity stones." I muttered as I quickly searched through the closet "At least when he watched Peggy she didn't disappear."

"Hey," Pietro said defensively "you try watching a kid with super speed."

"You just described every day since I met you."

"Aw," Pietro cooed as he walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist "but do you regret it?" I blushed and leaned back into him.

"Never." I whispered as I kissed him happily "But, our daughter is still missing." Pietro's eyes widened and in a flash he was gone, speeding through the tower in search of Peggy.

"Momma?" I breathed a sigh of relief as I heard her voice echo from under her bed.

"Don't do that to me Baby girl." I said tiredly as I pulled her out from the crawl space under her bed and hugged her tightly "You're giving me grey hairs."

"No Momma, your hair's purple." she said earnestly. I chuckled softly and kissed her forehead.

"Not for very long if you keep disappearing." I teased. Peggy giggled as she scrambled to her feet and bolted in a gust of wind. "Jarvis?" I called as I stood up "Tell Pietro she's heading to the kitchen."

"Right away Ma'am."

"Bucky, I know you think of Peggy as your precious little niece, but I need you to take about five steps back on the junk food levels." Bucky rolled his eyes but he and Peggy reluctantly handed over their immense haul of candy they were snacking on.

"I run it off anyway." Peggy protested.

"Well I don't and it makes me upset when I see people eating junk food without me." Bucky laughed and tossed me a candy bar he had held onto.

"Consider it pity candy." he said playfully. I stuck my tongue out at him as I climbed onto the counter to stash the junk food in the top cabinet.

"I don't need your pi-" I was cut off by a loud bang from the floor above. Peggy screamed and jumped into Bucky's arms. Pietro dashed into the living room and I raced after him as we ran to the source of the sound.

"What the hell?" Pietro muttered as we investigated a large dent in the floor.

"Pietro? Brooke?"

"Bruce?" my eyes widened as Bruce Banner climbed out of the crater and stood in front of us.

"You need to call together the team." he said urgently "He's coming."

"Who?" I asked cautiously.


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