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"BECAUSE... I don't have a good excuse, please don't kill me." I flopped onto the floor dramatically and turned away from Pietro. "Come on," he said softly "we're going to be here for a few more weeks. I'll buy you more cake before then. Please don't be mad at me sweetie."

"Will you get cake with an insane amount of frosting?"

"They may put me in a mental institution. The risks I take for you know no bounds." I turned back over, giggling quietly. Pietro grinned and picked me up before tossing me onto the bed. Tony had given us a small house in Malibu as a wedding gift and we were making the most of it. The day after Pietro and I had gotten married, we had packed our bags and told everyone we were going to Malibu for an official/unofficial honeymoon. We had been here two days and it was going OK, so far. Pietro crawled onto the bed next to me and kissed my forehead gently.

"Don't!" I protested "I'm still upset. You can't make me blush and be all giggly when I'm upset with you!"

"Oops." he said with a smirk as he kissed me again.

"You're a mess Maximoff." I whispered as I sat up a little.

"That's why you married me." I grinned and wrapped my arms around his neck as he kissed me again and again. "I love you Brooke Maximoff."

"I could get used to that last name. I love you too Pietro Maximoff." he smiled happily and hugged me. In our over enthusiastic spasm of a hug however, we had neglected to watch how close the edge of the bed was. Before we knew it, both of us had tumbled off the bed and onto the ground with Pietro on top. "You're heavy." I moaned as I tried to push him off of me. He rolled his eyes and stood up before offering me a hand up. Once I was off the ground, he lifted me onto his shoulders and carried me into the kitchen.

"How much cooking experience do you have?" Pietro asked as he set me down.

"Does Kraft Mac and Cheese count?"

"No. Neither does Ramen."

"Then I have no cooking experience."

"We're going to fix that." Pietro declared. He tossed me an apron before steering me to the counter. "Today you get to help me make pancakes." he said with a smile.

"It's eight at night."

"So?" I faltered at this.

"Are pancakes not just a breakfast food?"

"Have you never had breakfast for dinner?" he asked incredulously. I shook my head nervously and was more than surprised when he hugged me. "I am so sorry for your childhood." he said sadly. I rolled my eyes and smacked his arm.

"I will have you know that frozen chicken pot pie is one of the best things in the world." he just shook his head in pity and tied the apron around my waist. After giving me directions, he stepped back to watch what was sure to be a disaster.

"I think I just inhaled flour."

"Well that's what happens when you throw some at me." Pietro glared at me with a flour coated face, courtesy of me. "I did tell you that it wouldn't be the wisest thing to do."

"I didn't think you were going to turn me into a freaking yeti!"

"Language!" I tossed him a towel with a grin. he wiped off some of the flour on his face before coming to stand by me. "You missed some." I said with a laugh. I stood on my toes and brushed some of the flour off his cheek. Pietro took this opportunity to snake his arms around my waist and hold me close.

"Did you get it all?" he asked, smiling at me.

"Yep." I whispered as I stared into his eyes. We stayed like that for what felt like forever, just staring into each other's eyes. "Pietro." I said after a few minutes "I think your food just caught on fire." Pietro turned around and hung his head in defeat as he saw the pancakes that were currently going up in smoke. "I'll take the blame on that one for distracting you." I offered as I kissed him.

"Considering you've been distracting me since we met, I'll take the blame on this Солнце." I smiled and leaned against the counter as he threw the burnt food into the trash.

"Aren't you lucky that I lied and I'm actually an amazing cook." Pietro looked at me in astonishment as I pulled pizza out of the fridge.

"You made that?" he asked incredulously.

"You honestly thought I survived on Ramen and frozen dinners?" He shrugged and I stuck my tongue out playfully at him. "You're not getting any just because of that."

"Is that a helicopter?"

"Pietro that's Ursa Major."

"Is that a disease?"

"It's a constellation." I rested my head on his shoulder as he looked at the sky in wonder.

"It's beautiful." he whispered.

"You know what else is beautiful?" I asked softly. Pietro turned to me with a small smile on his face. "This pizza. I mean I really out did myself this time, don't you think?" Pietro glared at me and threw me over my shoulder. I shrieked and begged him to let me down.

"That was mean Солнце." he said with a smirk "Consider this retaliation." I didn't realize what he meant until I was thrown into the air and landed in the freezing cold ocean. I gasped as I popped back up.

"Son of a nutcracker!' I exclaimed "This is freezing." Pietro laughed and swam over to me. That was when the evil ideas formed in my head. Splashing him would be obvious. I have been wanting to see how long I could hold my breath though..." I gasped and looked at Pietro in fear. "Help!" I shrieked before pretending to be dragged under. Quickly swimming behind Pietro, I waited a few seconds before grabbing his ankle and pulling him under too. He came back up for breath at the same time I did.

"Don't do that!" he cried as he pulled me into a hug "I thought you were dead!" My face paled as I realized how it must have come across to him.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as I hugged him back "I wasn't thinking."

"Please don't leave me Солнце."

"Why would I ever do that?"

 "Pietro wake up!" Pietro groaned and buried his head under his pillow. I was secretly glad to have an excuse for him not wanting to wake up, but I knew I was going to have to tell him eventually. "Pietro I'm serious, I need to tell you something." He muttered something under his breath, but he finally sat up and looked at me.

"Is something wrong?" he asked tiredly. I bit my lip as I tried to figure out how to word what I needed to say.

"Wrong may not be the right adjective. Something is definitely out of the ordinary in ways that could be construed-"


"I'm pregnant." Pietro's eyes practically popped out of his head. He looked from me to my stomach and then back to me again.

"Are you positive?" he whispered as he pulled me closer to him. I nodded and nervously waited for him to say something. I was more than a little surprised when he smiled and pulled me in closer to kiss me.

"So you're OK with this?" I asked in shock.

"OK?" he asked softly "Солнце I'm thrilled! I'm going to be a dad!" I giggled and kissed him again.

"I love you Pietro Maximoff."

"I love you too Brooke Maximoff."

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