Safe House

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"Run this by me one more time." Bruce sighed heavily and relaunched his story from the beginning. Some evil alien had destroyed the ship that Thor and the Asgardians were returning to Earth on, the alien's name is Thanos, and he wants to get these things called Infinity stones to wipe out half the planet. Thor and the other Asgardians were most likely dead, and Earth was next.

"How do we stop him?" I asked quietly, holding Pietro's hand. We had put Peggy in her room so that she wouldn't find out what was happening, and I was glad we did. The fact that half of the people on Earth could be killed if we didn't stop Thanos, was pretty terrifying.

"There is a way." Everyone lept to their feet and spun around to see two men coming out of a strange, sparking, portal.

"Who are you?" Steve asked harshly. Pietro instinctively moved in front of me, and I rolled my eyes.

"My name is Doctor Stephen Strange, and this is Wong." the first man said "We're masters of the mystic arts."

"Great," I muttered "now we have wizards to deal with."

"We can help you." Dr. Strange snapped "Thanos is coming after the Infinity stones, and we're in possession of two of them. You have the mind stone, and we have the time stone."

"Great, so we destroy them and then kill Thanos." I said with a smirk. Dr. Strange frowned and shook his head.

"The masters of the mystic arts swore an oath to protect the stone. We will not destroy it." I sighed and rested my head on Pietro's shoulder.

"Fine." I huffed "Then we'll destroy the mind stone, and protect the time stone. We'll divide and conquer. Tony, Peter, and the wizards can stay here to distract Thanos when he comes for the stones. The rest of us can go somewhere safe to figure out how to destroy the mind stone. Any ideas where?"

"Yeah." Steve said suddenly "I know a place, but you and Pietro aren't going."

"Um, you bet your ass we are!" I snapped "We're two of your best fighters."

"And you have a kid." Steve said patiently "You need to look after her first."

"We also need to make sure there's a world for her to grow up in!" I protested. Pietro gently took my hands in his and kissed my forehead.

"Brooke, maybe we should." he said softly "The team can handle this, and we need to make sure Peggy's OK." I bit my lip and considered what he was saying.

"You'll come with us?" I whispered, looking up at him "Promise me you won't drop us somewhere safe then go fight." Pietro smiled and kissed me.

"I promise."

"Why do we have to go?" Peggy pouted as I packed her backpack.

"Because Daddy thinks it'll be safer if we go somewhere where no one will find us." I said tiredly as I handed Peggy her backpack and smoothed her hair back "We're going to Grandpa and Grandma's old house while they stay with everyone else."

"What about the team?" Peggy asked tearfully "Are they going to be OK?" I smiled down at her and kissed her forehead.

"They'll be OK." I said softly "Why don't you go say bye to them while Daddy and I pack?" Peggy nodded and darted out of the room.

"Is she alright?" Pietro asked gently as I walked into our bedroom. I gave a silent thumbs up and threw some clothes into a bag. I didn't say anything until Pietro walked up behind me and pulled me into his chest. "It's going to be just fine Солнце." he said soothingly as I snuggled into him "The team can handle themselves. Your mom and dad are going to be OK, so are the rest of them." I nodded wordlessly and looked up as him sadly. "Don't be sad Солнце." he whispered, kissing me "I love you."

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