New Team

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 "Солнце? Your parents want you down in the conference room." I looked over at Pietro from my spot by the window and nodded to show I'd heard him. He walked over to me and pressed a gentle kiss to my temple before he helped me up. "You doing ok?" he asked gently as I rested my forehead on his shoulder. I shook my head softly before looking up at him. It had been a few days since Thanos had happened and we had lost our daughter, Wanda, Bucky, and a lot of people close to us, including Tony. In that time period, I had eaten little to nothing, and cried nonstop.

"Did they say why I had to come downstairs?" I mumbled as Pietro rocked me side to side.

"Something about a ship and a glowing woman."

"Mom? Dad?"

"In here!" Mom called from the conference room. I ran in with Pietro and saw the rest of the Avengers plus Rocket, the cool raccoon from space, gathered at the table. Among them were three new faces.

"Tony!" I cried, darting away from Pietro to jump on top of the billionaire who laughed good naturedly. Tony hugged me tightly and pressed a kiss to the side of my head as I cuddled into him.

"Good to see I was missed," he joked as I sat up and moved to sit next to him. I laughed weakly and looked at the other two people who had joined us. One of them was a blue metallic robot woman, and the other was a blonde woman who was wearing a fancy super suit.

"Who are they?" I muttered as I watched the two women warily. The blue women seemed pretty chummy with Rocket, but no one really was bothering the blonde lady which led me to believe that she was the glowing woman and they were all scared of her.

"Well Robocop over there is Nebula," Tony introduced with a grin "She saved my life first. The badass with the suit is Carol Danvers, otherwise known as Captain Marvel. She saved my life second."

"Pleasure to meet you," I murmured tiredly. They both nodded at me and the room fell into an awkward silence. Finally, Dad cleared his throat before walking over and gently picking me up.

"You haven't eaten in a few days," he said sternly "We're getting you some food." I rolled my eyes but let him carry me to the kitchen and watched as he walked out only to be replaced with Pietro who made a sandwich that was the size of my head. Reluctantly, I poked at it and made a face when Pietro loudly declared that I was sleeping on the couch unless I ate the whole sandwich. I glared at him as I bitterly took bites of my lunch.

"I want my daughter back," I whispered tearfully. Pietro looked at me sadly and leaned in to press a soft kiss to my lips.

"I do too Солнце," he murmured "And we're going to get her back. Why don't we just go upstairs for now, you need to get some more sleep...Ok?"

"Fine," I said quietly "Let me say goodnight to my parents and Tony first." Pietro froze and then hung his head.

"Alright, Sweetheart, I want you to just hear me out," he said nervously "so... the team, including your parents may or may not have just left to go fight Thanos because Tony passed out due to stress from everything that's happened. They told me to keep you here where it's safe." My eyes widened and I struggled to form a coherent sentence. What... What?

"I... I think I'm going to be sick." Pietro rushed me to our bathroom and I leaned over the toilet as I started dry heaving. "Oh god, what if they get hurt?" I moaned while Pietro rubbed my back.

"They'll be fine Солнце," he said soothingly as I sat up and rested my forehead on his chest. "They're strong, they can handle this."

"Promise me?"

"I promise."

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