Baby Blues

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"Where are my socks?! ...Never mind!" Pietro chuckled as I tossed my stuff into my bag. We had decided to head home a little earlier than planned due to the unexpected news. I finally was able to zip my bag closed and flopped onto the bed in exhaustion.

"Come on Солнце!" Pietro sad as he jumped onto the bed "We got to get going if we don't want to miss our flight!" I moaned but grudgingly stood up and lugged my bag to the car. Pietro kissed me as he dashed to the driver's side but faltered at the look I gave him. "Would you like to drive?" he muttered.

"Well since you asked so politely!" Pietro rolled his eyes and tossed me the keys as I slid behind the wheel.

"Please don't kill us."

"Our Father who art in Heaven-"

"Can it Maximoff!" I snapped as I stuck my tongue out at Pietro. I swerved down the New York highway, screaming with joy as I did. Despite being jet lagged, I had insisted on driving. According to Pietro, who was gripping the edges of his seat, I was a reckless driver. What did he know? He literally invented the term reckless.

"You're going to miss your turn!" I rolled my eyes but jerked the wheel and parked in front of the tower in upstate New York.

"Was that so bad you big baby?" Pietro nodded vehemently and slowly got out of the car. I hopped out and tossed him his bag as we walked up to the front of the tower.

"HEADS UP!" I instinctively dodged and narrowly avoided being decapitated by a Frisbee.

"Is this how you welcome back your little sister?" I asked Bucky dryly as he sprinted into the room. He grinned when he saw me and ran over to pull me into a tight hug. "Can't breathe!" I choked out finally. Bucky laughed but set me on his shoulders as we went to see the rest of the team.

"BROOKE!" I giggled as Bucky set me down on the grounds so I could be practically tackled by my parents. "What are you doing home early?" Mom asked with a smile as she finally let go.

"I just missed everyone." I said weakly.


"I'm pregnant." Everyone in the room lost it. Bucky looked torn between wanting to hug me and wanting to murder Pietro. He settled for giving me a gentle hug while glaring at Pietro menacingly. I was quickly torn away however, by my parents who were having very mixed reactions. My mom looked like she was trying not to cry while my dad was just standing still in a state of shock.

"Let me actually hug my kid Romanoff!" Rumlow exclaimed as he pulled Natasha off me. She rolled her eyes but grudgingly allowed him to pull me into a hug. "You know I'm going to kill the boy later, right?"

"Unfortunately yes." After Rumlow let go, I was smothered in hugs by Steve, Tony, Wanda and FitzSimmons. My dad still hadn't moved and I was beginning to get worried. "Dad?" I asked tentatively "Say something, anything at this point!"

"You're having a baby." he still hadn't moved but at least he was talking so that was a good thing.

"Dad do you need to sit down?" he nodded and stumbled over to the couch. I shot the team a pointed glare and they all quickly left, throwing threats to Pietro as they pushed him out the door with them. "Dad are you upset?" I whispered, terrified he was going to be angry with me. He finally looked at me and smiled.

"I thought I told you and Maximoff this is why I didn't want you sharing a bed!" I groaned and smacked his arm playfully. All the things he could have said and he chooses to lead with that.

"I thought you were upset!" I exclaimed.

"Brooke I would never be upset about this!" he was smiling as he pulled me into a hug "I love you so much pipsqueak."

"I love you too Dad."

"But keep a close eye on your husband tonight."

 "Everything hurts!" I moaned as I buried my head in my hands. Pietro smiled sadly and came to sit behind me on our bed.

"Is it your back again?" he asked softly as I leaned against him. I nodded wordlessly and closed my eyes as I whimpered in pain. Pietro kissed my forehead and gently started massaging my shoulders. "Try and go to sleep Солнце.The last thing we need is a cranky Brooke running around the tower."


"Love you too Sunshine."

When I woke up, I was curled up next to Pietro with my head resting on his chest. That didn't last long because I immediately sprinted to the bathroom to throw up. I groaned as I clutched the edge of the toilet.

"Солнце?" I heard Pietro mumble as he sat up in bed.

"Half a moment." I called back weakly as I shakily stood up and stumbled against the wall. I felt a small gust of wind and Pietro's hands were gently caressing my face as I slumped against him.

"It's OK honey." he said softly as he kissed my forehead "Let's just get you back to bed."

"I'm fine." I said tiredly as I held onto him tightly. Pietro chuckled and gently picked me up and carried me to bed. "How much longer am I going to feel like this?" I whispered.

"Hopefully not too much longer." he said as he set me on the bed "We're going to the doctor tomorrow so maybe they can tell us."

"I don't like it." I said, my voice muffled as I buried my face in his shirt.

"Well I love you."

"I love you too Pietro."

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