Girl's Night

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"Brooke where's the screwdriver?!" I giggled as I watched Pietro, Dad, Bucky, Tony, and Rumlow all working on my baby's nursery. I tossed Tony the screwdriver as he finished up on the crib.

"You guys really didn't have to do all this." I said with a small smile "I'm on maternity leave, I have time t-"

"NO!" the all exclaimed in unison.

"You'd impale yourself on something." Pietro teased me as I looked at them all with an offended glare.

"Yeah, you're right." I admitted sheepishly as he got up and walked over to me.

"I'm right?" he asked playfully "You must be rubbing off on me." I blushed and stood on my tip toes to kiss him.

"I love you Pietro Maximoff." I breathed as he hugged me gently.

"I love you too Солнце." he kissed me softly before walking back over to Dad and Bucky to help them paint the walls. Tony and Steve were working on the crib still, and Fitz and Rumlow were assembling the curtain rod, or, they were was trying to. I wanted to help, but the second I stepped foot in the room, Bucky glared warningly at me and I immediately backed up.

"You are not allowed to help or do anything stressful." he said sharply as I rolled my eyes.

"Yes sir." I muttered as I just leaned against the doorway and watched.

"Brooke?" I turned around and saw Mom waving to me from the other end of the hall. I walked over to her in confusion.

"Is something wrong?" I asked in confusion.

"Besides the fact that all the men in your life are working and you're not doing anything fun?" she said teasingly.

"I want to do something, but every time I try to even walk, they're all right there telling me to stop and just take it easy!"

"That's because your version of walking is somersaulting down the hall or trying to flip off of a wall."

"Touche." I mumbled.

"Go get changed." she said suddenly as she pushed me into my room "You, Wanda, Simmons and I are going out." Mom shut the door behind me and I chuckled softly as I walked into my closet and tried to find something to wear.

"How is it that you're pregnant, yet you have more style than I do?" Simmons complained as I walked into the living room. I was wearing ripped jeans, combat boots, and a long sleeved black maternity shirt.

"It's called; all my clothes no longer fit me and maternity clothes only come in stylish designs." I teased as I ran over and gave her a hug. She laughed and then smiled brightly when she saw my baby bump.

"She's going to be a handful, I can already tell." Simmons cooed.

"We're fairly certain she's going to have some of Pietro's speed, but it's unclear." I said as we sat down to wait for Wanda and my mom.

"I do not envy you." Simmons told me seriously. I moaned and rested my head in my hands.

"Brooke Romanoff, there is no sadness allowed tonight!" I laughed as I looked up and saw my mom glaring at me playfully with Wanda in tow.

"Aye-aye Captain." I said jokingly as Simmons and I both stood up. We were about to head out, when a gust of wind blew through the room and I found myself trapped in Pietro's embrace.

"Please be careful." he whispered as he kissed me lightly.

"I'll try my best." I said with a smirk as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better" he asked playfully. I stuck my tongue out at him as he chuckled softly. "I love you Brooke." he said quietly as he kissed me one more time.

"I love you too Pietro."

"So we're walking around the town, Clint's having to help me walk because I got shot in the side, and the whole time he's just nagging on me for not asking for directions." I was cracking up laughing at my mom's story. We had gone to a restaurant for dinner then came back to the tower to go up on the roof and talk.

"Why didn't you ask for directions?" I asked straight faced.

"There were bombs dropping all around us! Who was I supposed to ask, the corpses?" Wanda and Simmons had tears streaming down their faces as they struggled to breathe through their laughter. "In all seriousness though," my mom said as she sat up "how are you doing with everything that's going on?" I shrugged indifferently.

"Most days I'm fine. Then you have me yesterday sobbing over the lion king."

"Well everyone does that!" Simmons exclaimed. I giggled as she looked at me indignantly.

"Are you and Fitz a thing now?" I asked, changing the subject quickly. Simmons blushed bright red and looked at the ground nervously.

"We're going out tomorrow." she muttered. Wanda and I squealed in excitement and tackled her in a hug. "Calm down!" Simmons cried as she tried to fend us off.

"You love us, don't deny it!" I said teasingly. Simmons rolled her eyes and hugged us back as mom joined in as well. "Thanks for doing this." I said quietly "It was nice to just get away from everything."

"Well what are friends and your really cool mom for?"

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