Meeting the Team

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"Hey pipsqueak, we're here." I bolted upright and would've fallen off the couch if Clint hadn't caught me. "Klutz." he teased as he set me back down on the couch.

"Bird brain." I called back. Clint gasped in mock offense as I laughed my head off. I was laughing so hard I didn't even notice that he had grabbed a pillow until it smacked me in the face and sent me tumbling to the ground. He had tears streaming down his face as he laughed at my stunned expression. His happiness was short lived as I grabbed another pillow and hit him with it. I knew immediately that I had made a grave mistake. I didn't even have time to run before he had tackled me and pinned me to the ground. 

"No please!" I begged, but to no avail. He grinned evilly and started tickling my sides as I squirmed and tried to free myself. This went on for a minute or so until Clint was pulled back by Natasha and put into a chokehold. I giggled at his expression and thought of how perfect they were together. "How long have you two been dating?" I asked curiously. They immediately sprang apart and stammered out weak excuses. I gave them a disbelieving look and followed them outside onto the roof of Avengers tower.

We had barely set foot inside when I was tackled in a huge hug.

"Pietro!" I shrieked as I immediately hugged him back. Tears were flowing down our faces as we sat on the ground just hugging each other in silence.

"I am never leaving you again." he said finally "I don't care what happens, you are never leaving my side for as long as you live."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

After Clint and Natasha finally pried Pietro and I apart, they led me inside to see a group of people staring at us expectantly. I obviously recognized Tony Stark from the countless number of magazines he was in. I silently fangirled when I saw Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes sitting next to each other. Victory had taken me to the Smithsonian when I was little and I had fiercely told her that I was going to be just like Peggy Carter when I grew up. There was Thor (he's cool I just hate his brother), a brown haired teenage boy, and a teenage girl who I assumed was Wanda and Bruce Banner (I loved his work on Gamma radiation!). I shyly stepped closer to Natasha and Clint, who immediately pushed me forward.

"Everyone," Clint called "This is Brooke Aubergine. Natasha and I adopted her so if you hurt her we'll break your face."

I giggled softly until Pietro leaned over and muttered "They're serious." I quickly stopped laughing and just stared at the ground in silence. Natasha grabbed my arm and led me over to the couch before calling Tony, Thor, and Clint away to talk about a mission. I awkwardly sat down next to Pietro and bit my lip nervously.

"I'm Steve and this is my partner Bucky." Steve said kindly, reaching out his hand to shake. I timidly shook it and looked between him and Bucky.

"So how long have you and Bucky been dating?" I asked quietly. Steve chuckled and looked at Bucky in askance.

"Seventy years? Give or take a few." I grinned in spite of my nervousness as they kissed each other because my god! They are just too adorable together. The girl who I assumed was Wanda marched over and for a second I thought she was going to smack me but she just pulled me into a fierce hug.

"Thank you." she whispered. I patted her on the back, unsure of what to do in this situation. She eventually let go and dragged her brother away. The brown haired teen hopped over the back of the couch and landed next to me.

"I'm Peter Parker." he said with a big smile "It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." I said shyly.

"You don't have to be nervous," Bruce said "actually, according to what Natasha and Clint have told us about you, we're the ones who should be slightly nervous. I'm Bruce Banner by the way."

"I know," I said with a smile "I read your paper on modifying the effects of gamma radiation. Plus you turn into a giant green teddy bear so that makes you pretty well known too." Bruce laughed as I bit back a smile.

"So you know us," Bucky said, leaning forward "what about you? What sort of stuff do you like to do?" I sat back, thinking for a moment before launching into a rapid fire list.

"Tightrope, trapeze, throwing knives, reading, rock wall climbing, sparring, skateboarding, and watching Netflix. Among other things." A small smile appeared on Bucky's face.

"You said sparring. Pietro was spreading this rumor about how you beat Clint and Natasha's asses, is that true?"

I personally didn't want my new adoptive parents to murder me so I casually said "I've never tried, maybe we should though. Also, watch the language."

"You and Steve are going to get along great." Peter muttered as Bucky jumped up and led everyone down to the meeting room to grab Natasha and Clint for what would most likely be the last fight of my short existence.

"You know paybacks going to be a real bitch, right?" Clint whispered as we stepped out onto the mat with Natasha.

"Language!" I hissed "And unfortunately, yes I do." I tightened my ponytail as I circled between the two assassins. "What have I gotten myself into?"



"I HAVE TRAINED IN THE RED ROOM AND YOU LITERALLY JUST KNOCKED ME ACROSS THE ROOM!" Everyone else in the room was barely standing up straight, they were laughing so hard. Natasha was underneath a pile of mats that I had knocked her into, and Clint? Well Clint was hanging from the ceiling again. The rest of the team helped Natasha up and left to go start on dinner, while I was given the task of getting Clint back on the ground. I quickly scampered up a rope that was connected to the beams running across the ceiling. Once I got up there I pulled Clint up and leaned back against the rafter out of breath.

"You could make a killing in a circus." Clint said, grinning as he leaned against the rafter opposite of me. I shrugged silently, still a little nervous that he was going to be mad at me. "Are you OK?" he asked, looking concerned. I nodded quickly, not sure of what to say. "Hey, pipsqueak." Clint said, reaching out and tapping my foot "I'm not going to hurt you."

"That's what Ms. Ruby said," I whispered "look how well that turned out." Clint's gaze softened and he precariously moved to sit next to me.

"First off," he finally said "I don't care what ever rules about cussing you have, you're allowed to call that lady a bitch. Second, I like you too much to want to hurt you. You beat me up but you're not rubbing it in my face like Natasha which is a nice change." I laughed and leaned against his shoulder.

"Thanks Dad." I whispered. Immediately after I realized what I'd said, I shot up and looked at Clint nervously. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Brooke," Clint cut across me with a smile "you can call me Dad if you want. I'm not going to hurt you for it." I let out a sigh of relief.


"Anytime Pipsqueak."

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