First Visit

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"Brooke Romanoff?" Pietro and I jumped up from our seats as the doctor called my name. She smiled when she saw us and waved us forward into the room. "First time parents?" she asked with a grin as I held Pietro's hand nervously.

"That obvious?" I asked sheepishly. She laughed and patted the examination table, motioning for me to sit on it.

"You two are actually one of the calmer first timers that I've seen. I had one patient who's husband was freaking out and screaming for her to stay calm. Turns out she wasn't even pregnant, so..." I was busting up laughing and Pietro was grinning widely, probably knowing that was going to be him the first time I had a contraction.

"OK," the doctor said as she gently moved the ultrasound wand over my stomach "so it looks like you are only having one kid."

"Oh thank God." I muttered as Pietro walked over and held my hand.

"The baby seems to be healthy and progressing nicely." I sighed in relief as Pietro gently kissed my forehead "OK Mrs. Romanoff," the doctor said "I'd say you're around two months along. We'll check back in a month and we might be able to tell the gender by then." I had a huge smile on my face as Pietro helped me stand up. We said our thank you's to the doctor and walked out, Pietro carrying me on his shoulders. We rounded the corner and ten people jumped up as soon as they saw us.

"Have you guys been out here the whole time?" I asked the team in amusement. Bucky stood up and lifted me onto his shoulders as he looked up at me.

"Well did you expect me to just not hear if my little sister's first ultrasound went OK?" he said. I giggled as he switched my weight so that I was cradled in his arms as he grinned.

"Barnes, if you don't let me hug my daughter I am going to kick your ass." Bucky scowled at my three parents before handing me over.

"I love you Pipsqueak." Dad said softly as he hugged me tightly.

"I love you too Dad."

"Barton I think your wife wants to hug Brooke too." Mom swooped in the second Dad let me go and squeezed me in a death grip.

"I love you Mom, but I can't breathe." She laughed and slowly released me so Rumlow could hug me too.

"Love you mouse." he whispered as he picked me up to hug me.

"Love you too Dad."

"OK!" Tony said as he broke up the hug session "This is sweet and all, but who wants ice cream?"

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