Making Friends

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"Brooke? Brooke please wake up!" I jerked upright from my nightmare and buried my head in my hands. Pietro was right there next to me, gently rubbing my back and holding me close.

"Everyone was dead." I whispered "I killed them."

"It's OK Солнце." he cooed as he kissed me "I'm right here with you. No one's going to die." I cried quietly as I curled into his side, terrified to go to sleep. "You need to get some rest." Pietro said softly. I shook my head furiously.

"I'm scared of what I'll see." I said "I can't go through that again."

"OK, we'll stay like this." he said as he held me "I'll be right here with you."

"You don't have to stay up with me." I said quickly "You have a mission tomorrow."

"So do you and right now my mission is to make sure that my fiancee is happy and healthy. I can't really do that if I fall asleep now can I?" I smiled slightly, prompting Pietro to lean over and kiss me again. I snuggled up against him and rested my head against his chest. He gently wrapped an arm around my waist as we both lay there in silence.

"Why won't they go away?" I asked miserably.

"I don't know Солнце." he whispered "I do know however, that your parents are going to want to know about this. Maybe they can help us figure this out."

"OK." I said quietly. Pietro kissed my forehead softly as he held me close to him. "I love you." I said as my eyes started to drift shut.

"I love you too."

"Mission accomplished Director. Arms dealer is eliminated."

"Good job Tiny. Report back to HQ for aftermath evaluation."


"I told you I'd come up with a nickname." I smiled at Fury's exasperated tone over the earpiece.

"Didn't know it would be such an obvious one though." There was a minute of awkward silence before Fury finally spoke again.

"Just get your ass to HQ, I'll have a better one when you get here." I giggled and hopped into the quinjet. Mom had literally given me a five minute course on how to fly it before I left. Crossing my fingers that I was flipping the right switch, I pulled up on the thruster and prayed to all things holy. The plane lifted off from the ground and I let out a squeal of excitement. Twenty minutes later I was over the ocean and blasting rock music from the speakers.

"I love rock and roll so put another dime in the jukebox baby!" I sang at the top of my lungs as I spun around in my chair.

"Agent Romanoff you are aware this is an open line correct?" My face paled and I immediately turned off the music and sat up straight.

"No sir I was not. If I may ask who all is on this...?"

"Ninety percent of the SHIELD agents plus the Avengers."

"Son of a nutcracker. You know what spare me the lecture, approaching HQ. ETA two minutes." I zoomed into the hangar and hopped out of the jet. Everyone was smiling as I walked by and I gave an over dramatic bow. Five minutes later I was in Director Fury's office where it looked like he was trying not to laugh. "Did you enjoy my performance?" I asked with an embarrassed smile. Fury just shook his head with a grin and pointed to the chair. Flopping down onto it, I waited for him to talk.

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