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AN!!! Italics mean they're talking in Russian

"Wait. You're both leaving?"

"The mission's only for a few days, a week tops. Mom and I'll be back before you know it." I made a pouty face and hugged my mom and dad tight. "I promise we'll come back." Dad whispered as Mom handed me to him.

"What if something happens?" I asked tearfully "What if you don't come home?" Mom stopped packing her bags and grabbed me back from Clint.

"It's OK little one." she whispered gently as I quietly cried into her shoulder "Nothing's going to happen. You're my daughter, I'm never going to leave you. I love you so much Brooke, there's nothing that will stop me from coming back home to you."

"I love you too Mom." I said hoarsely "And I hope you're right."

"I'm dating your father," she said with a smirk "being right is pretty much guaranteed for me."

"I can speak Russian too you know." Dad cut in, looking annoyed. I giggled as he glared at Mom. He didn't stay mad for very long and came over to join in on our hug. "Hey Nat?" he asked after a while "When we're done with the mission, you want to do something."

"What would that something be?" she asked cautiously. Dad chuckled softly and handed me to Mom before pulling out a box and getting down on one knee.

"I swear Mom if you don't say yes..." I muttered. She kissed my forehead with a smile and turned to look expectantly at Dad.

"Natasha Romanoff," he started out nervously "you have been beside me for a long time. You haven't just been my partner on the battlefield, but you've been with me in life every step of the way. Now that we have an amazing kid in our life, I want it to be official that you and I will always be there for each other no matter what happens. So what I'm trying to ask is... Natasha Romanoff will you please marry me?" Mom bit her lip, trying to conceal a smile and looked back at him.

"Clint Barton I would love to marry you." I squealed in excitement and nearly dropped my phone that I was using to record this sweet occasion. I watched in excitement as Dad slipped the ring on her finger and the two of them finally kissed.

"FINALLY!" I screamed, tackling the both of them in a hug. They laughed and hugged me back, both of us laying there and just being a family.

 "I'm bored!" Steve and Bucky both laughed as I lay upside down on the couch. Bucky picked me up and sat me upright before placing a game controller in my hand. "What is this for?" I asked looking at in confusion. I had seen pictures of stuff like this, but I've never actually played a video game per say. Steve and Bucky looked at me in horror.

"Prepare to be educated young Padawan." Bucky said with a grin "Clint and Natasha put us in charge of you so we're going to actually teach you something beside the history junk we have to teach you hoodlums in school."

"Bucky," Steve said sternly "history is an important subject and should not be taken ligh-"

"Yeah, yeah," Bucky interrupted good naturedly "you going to play or give me a lecture?" Steve rolled his eyes before leaning over and kissing Bucky with a smile.

"So how do I play?" I asked awkwardly.


"IT WAS A LUCKY SHOT!" Steve was curled up in the couch, crying from laughter. Bucky was glaring daggers at me as my character in super smash bros was crowned victorious. "I swear I was just pressing random buttons Bucky." I protested.

"Uh huh sure." he muttered as he laid next to Steve. I giggled and watched as they hugged and kissed each other.

"Alright," Steve said after looking at the clock "it is way past your bedtime Missy." I groaned and slumped onto the floor. Bucky sighed and picked me up before carrying me to my room. He tossed me on my bed and smiled as I buried myself under the covers so that just my eyes were showing.

"Good night Brooke." he said softly as he walked out.

"Good night." I whispered.


"Brooke WAKE UP! You're OK, I promise!" I bolted upright, sobbing in fear. "Shh, I'm right here Brooke. Steve and I are right here. Nothing's going to hurt you."

"Mom and Dad." I whimpered "They were dead. I couldn't save them, they were dead."

"Your parents are fine," Bucky soothed "I promise."

"Is everything OK?" I heard Pietro's voice ask anxiously.

"Pietro." I whispered.

"Five minutes." Steve said firmly "I don't want to be on Natasha and Clint's hit list." Pietro darted to the bed and gathered me in his arms, gently rocking me back and forth.

"I love you so much." he said quietly.

"I love you too." I said hoarsely as I curled into his side. We stayed there for what felt like forever until Steve cleared his throat from the door.

"Please take care of her." Pietro whispered as he walked out of my room.

"We will." I felt someone gently pick me up and carry me into another room.

"You can stay with Steve and I tonight." Bucky said gently as he tucked the covers around me. I nodded silently and buried my face in my pillow.

"Night Kiddo." I heard Steve say as he turned the light off.

"Goodnight." I whispered as I drifted off to sleep.

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